Chapter Thirty One

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Dark POV

What. The. Flying. Fuck.

I did it. I'm in control of Mark's body! But... the ONLY way that could have happened is if he let me...

I'm stood, opposite White, who is... well looking whiter than usual. All colour has drained from her greyish skin. I think she knows exactly what's happened.

My initial instinct, is to just fucking murder the living shit out of her, but I remind myself that if I kill her, I'll be killing Kitten as well...


After my quick though, I release Kitten's soul! The gold orb dances off my fingertips, spiralling around in front of White's horrified and exasperated glare, before diving right into her chest.

There's an uproar of commotion from the audience around us, as people start whispering amongst themselves about what is happening.

I'll keep my deal with Mark, I'll give him his body back, but just as soon as I make sure my Kitten is alive and well.

She pulls her hand up to her forehead, gripping it tight, and squinting her eyes shut, as though she is having a painful migraine.

Was it her? Oh please tell me it worked! A fucking fantasia of emotions were in full swing within my stomach. Tension, concern, anticipation, dread, hope, despair... It was as though opposites were at war.

Gently opening her eyes, and looking at me, I can feel the sharp intake of air I took, once I feel my overwhelming adoration, and relief that it's (Y/n)'s glistening human eyes, gazing back at me.

Her perfect lips crack into a large and bright beam, and she uses her front teeth to try and bite it down, but it doesn't work. "You had me worried," she teases, while my palm reaches up to push a few loose strands behind her ear, and cup her cheek into my grasp. I bring her head closer to mine, and rest my forehead against hers.

"I'll never make you wait that long ever again," I reply, feeling something gloss over my eyes in pure joy.

"Um..." the man who 'conducts' the wedding intersects, in an attempt to gain our attention.

"Sorry!" I exclaim, removing my hand from Kittens check, instead using both my grips to throw the bouquet out of Kitten's hands, so I could hold them instead. "Continue with the ceremony!"

I could feel my teeth gleam with pure glee!

Kitten slightly hisses in pain, and I look down to see an array of cuts dotted around on her palms.

"Aren't you forgetting the mass murdering that will happen after this? Or the fact I'm pretty sure the entire audience can smell I'm human and probably wants to kill us both right now," she whispers rather loudly in my ear, distracting me from being able to worry for her hands.

I take a gander at our surroundings, and notice all the revolted, mortified, and outraged glares everyone had on us.

I let out an exasperated sigh, "Right, well, I guess I'll just have to marry you another day,"

"Oh? Who says I'm going to marry you? I haven't even told you I love you, yet," she raises her brow, but continuing to gleam in joy at the admiring smirk I shoot back.

"So THIS is the really you, when you're unafraid and unreserved... maybe taking you home with me wasn't such a good idea,"

"It's nobody's fault but your own, you were warned several times,"

As I was about to respond to this mischievous (in far too sexy way) woman, my attention is quickly drawn to a ring, resting delicately on a red pillow, that a young demon boy was holding. It seemed to be Kitten's exact size, with a yellow diamond, encased within the silver of the ring. Snatching it from the flustered young man, I instantly got down on one knee (I knew the demons wouldn't attack, as they would be too confused as to WHAT THE FUCK is going on).

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