Chapter Twenty Seven

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Anti POV

"Anti..." a breathy whisper calls my name right beside my ear, "Anti..."

Is that... (Y/n)?

I shoot upright, after having fallen asleep on the chair in the library, my head resting on my arms which rested on the table. PewDIE and I had stayed up late last night, doing research to:

A) Free (Y/n)'s soul

B) Close the rift

C) Restoring humanity to how it once was

D) A way to find Mark and White/(Y/n) and Dark

What have we found so far of those four? None. Literally fucking nada!

A) To free (Y/n)'s soul, DARK has to do it...

B) You can't use a spell, someone has to close it from the inside, by hand (No spells needed)

C) We just can't fucking find the spell!

D) Nothing! And if there was, we would have used it before!

Technically, yes, we have found out how to do two of the four, but the answers they gave us don't change a goddamn thing! And fucking Mark and White are still missing!

I gaze around my surroundings, and notice PewDIE has collapsed in the same position I was in, only opposite me on the table.

"Anti..." I fucking swear I hear (Y/n) breath! Shooting to my feet, my legs wobble at the new feeling and give way, causing me to topple and fall into a pile of books and papers. The roocase caused PewDIE to awaken.

"Good morning," he wipes his eye with his index finger, squinting at the light from outside, which streamed in through every window. His hair and clothes were ruffled.

"PewDIE!" I exclaim, a clear expression of panic on my face. He seems to pick this up, because he perks up completely in almost a second,

"What's wrong?"

"I can hear (Y/n)!"

I'd like to believe PewDIE was worried for me, but his face was as expressionless as always, "What is she saying?"

"My name,"

PewDIE got to his feet, only losing balance for a second, before snapping back into his original position, as though that never happened. His hands trailed through his hair, slicking it back to the way it was before he fell asleep, and did the same to his clothes. "Follow me," and he flung open the doors to the hallway.

I quickly regained myself and hurried after him, "Where are we going?"

"Do you remember when (Y/n) was ill, we put that spell on her?"

My mind wanders into every corner of my mind, trying to understand, "No..."

"You know, the spell where when (Y/n) says either of our names, we hear her and know where she is?"

My mind was simultaneously blown as all the pieces fitted together, in my mind.

"If you focus," he continued to explain, "you can sense where she is located,"

"So, can you hear it as well?"

"Her saying my name?" PewDIE pulled a map from his desk draw, scribbling an X down. He then opened the doors to his balcony, "Yes. Now let's hurry and find her,"

Your POV

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