Chapter 2

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"There's no way this is yours! I mean we have our fair share of nice cars but not like this!" I raised an eyebrow at Mitch as we stopped at my car and threw my backpack in the backseat.

"It was a gift that I can only keep if I keep my grades up which means no partying, no boys, no drinking. Nothing fun," I said with a small laugh. "At least not until I get used to everything."

"Too bad, my next party is in a couple weeks, and I expect you to be there," Scott said, leaning up against the side of the car.

"No can do. This is my only way of getting my brother to and from school, so I need to keep it. Speaking of, I have to go get him before he freaks out," I told the pair as I crossed over to the driver's side of my car.

"Before you do!" I turned to see Esther jogging over. "Mitchie, Scotty," she said with a smile before turning to me. "When is a good time for us to go over French?" she asked, pulling out a pen and a piece of paper. She began scribbling down something as I thought about it.

"I have to take my brother home but is today fine? I want to get caught up as soon as possible," I told her, taking the paper from her.

"Speaking of brothers, where's yours Es?" Mitch asked, looking around the parking lot.

"Probably waiting on me," she said, turning her attention back to me. "How about this? You go home, pack a bag and you can just spend the night at my place? I can call Kirstie and talk her into joining," she said with a wide smile. Here it was my first day, and I was already getting invited to sleepovers.

"I'm down," I said with a wide smile.

"Good. Be at that address by five. I'll order pizza and it'll be fun." Before I could answer, she disappeared across the parking lot, causing me to laugh a bit.

"Sorry girls, I got plans," I told Scott and Mitch, laughing a bit at their hurt expressions.

"How dare you do fun stuff without us?" Scott asked, placing a hand over his chest.

"Studying isn't fun."

"But food is. Plus it's her place which means her brother's gonna be there which is a good thing if you find lumberjacks attractive."

"I told you before. No parties. No boys. School," I said and climbed in my car, starting it and rolling the window down. "Text me later?"

"You know it," Mitch said, tugging Scott along as they walked away. I shook my head and pulled out of the parking lot, heading to the middle school.

The line wasn't nearly as bad as it was back home, but waiting on it to move was hell. I finally got to the front and smiled as Nathan climbed in, tossing his things in the back. "Hey kid, how was your day?" I asked, pulling off and making the drive home.

"It was pretty good. The teachers are cool but the food sucks," he said with a laugh, turning the music up a bit.

"If we're here long enough, wait until you get to the high school. The food is so much better," I promised him as I stopped at a red light. "Be ready by seven in the morning. I'm spending the night with a couple friends so I won't be there tonight, but I'll still swing by and pick you up in the morning," I said, beginning to drive once again.

"Didn't you promise yourself you'd focus on school?"

"I am. She's helping me with catching up on my French class."

"Who's all gonna be there?"

"Just the two of us, her brother, and one of our friends."

"You said no boys this year."

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