Chapter 14

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A/N: Just a side note, this is one of the best performances I've ever seen. And I hope you guys are enjoying the story as much as I am!

Kervy: Mitch, Scott, Kirstie, and I are going to get some food. Wanna come?

Sarah: What about the other two?

Kervy: They're up north for the break.

Sarah: When did this happen?

Kervy: They go every year. I take it no one told you?

Sarah: I guess they didn't think it was that important. I'm gonna pass on the food. I think I'm gonna go to the ice rink for a little bit.

Kervy: Again?

Sarah: Shutup. I forgot how much I enjoyed it.

Kervy: Have fun then. We'll bring you something if we think about it :)

Sarah: Thanks XD

I stared down at my phone once I sent the message and let out a small sigh. At this point, Kevin and Kirstie were the only two I was talking to. I was still mad at Scott for tripping me the other day and I wasn't talking to Mitch because he wanted to stick his nose in my business. I tried texting Esther and Avi, but neither one of them would answer me. Not like I really want to talk to them now anyway. They just didn't think I'd notice when they disappeared without a word.

Climbing off my bed, I walked to my closet and began looking around. I knew I wanted to go to the ice rink, but I didn't know what I wanted to wear. Jeans? Nah. Sweater? No. As I looked through my closet, I stopped, noticing a black fabric hanging up near the back. Pulling it out, I stared at the short outfit with a small smile. "I guess it won't hurt to try it on again."

Once I changed into a pair of tights and my outfit, I looked in the mirror, finding myself wonder why I ever stopped skating. Because you thought you wanted to dance. Taking a seat, I braided my hair and pulled it up into a neat bun. I finished with a bit of makeup and stared at myself, hardly recognizing my reflection.

Standing up, I returned to my closet, reaching up to the top and grabbing a box that contained my personal skates before slipping on a pair of running shoes. I grabbed my phone, along with my license and a bit of money, then walked out of my room, only to find my parents talking quietly in the living room, though it looked like they were arguing from my perspective.

"I'm going to the ice rink," I said, quickly making my way to the door, though my father's voice stopped me.

"Not until you explain this, young lady," he said, motioning to the table.

I looked down, just then noticing a picture frame lying there, but not just any picture. I moved closer to get a better look, my heart beginning to race as I realized it was the picture out of my room. I reached down, snatching it off the table as I glared up at him. "None of your business," I spat coldly, making my way back to the stairs.

"You are NOT going to talk to me like that!" he yelled, his temper rising significantly as I stomped upstairs, his footsteps right behind me as I placed the picture on my bed.

"I shouldn't have to explain why I have the last picture he ever took when you don't have to explain why his room hasn't been touched! I have my way of dealing with it and you have yours, so just stay out of my business!" I screamed, willing the tears not to start flowing as I pushed past him and slammed my door shut.

"You listen and you listen closely," he said, stopping my in my tracks by gripping my wrist tightly. "You live in my house so you follow my rules. You are not gonna raise your voice at me like I'm one of those people you call friends. You are not gonna walk around here acting all happy knowing you killed our son. And you are going to throw that picture away."

"One, I'll leave before I get rid of that picture. Two, it wasn't my fault someone was drunk and decided to drive. And three, what do you mean those people?

"I mean you couldn't have normal friends could you? Two gays, a black guy, a Mexican, and two Jews aren't friends. They're a disgrace to human kind and deserve whatever hate... S-Sarah....calm d-down...Ple-"

"Don't you EVER talk about my friend like that! I'm sick and tired of you blaming me for what happened, but I'll tolerate it. What I won't tolerate, is my own father trash talking the only friends I have!" I barely registered the flames coming from my fists as I inched closer to him. "The best thing for you to do, is keep your mouth shut about them."

I turned and closed my eyes, forcing myself to calm down, and opened them again to find my mother standing there staring at me. "Go on sweetie," she said, motioning towards the door. I didn't know if she said it just to stay on my good side because she was scared of me or she didn't want me to hear whatever it was they were going to talk about, but I didn't care to stick around. Hurrying back downstairs, I grabbed my money and license, slipping them into my jacket pocket as I shrugged it on. Grabbing my phone and skates, I walked out, immediately hearing my mom's outburst. Let the arguing begin.

I didn't bother staying to eavesdrop, but instead, began the short walk to the ice rink. Once I arrived, I smiled slightly, as I looked around at the people, but with the exception of two others, everyone was sitting around, talking and eating. Lame.

I walked over to a seat and changed shoes before reaching into the box and grabbing a CD. Handing it to the music operator, I smiled a bit and pulled my jacket off, sitting it with my other things before making my  way onto the ice. I took my position in the middle, the slight squeaking of the door opening audible, but I didn't look. I simply nodded and and began my old routine as the music began to play.

By the time I finished, I realized that the only sound I heard was that of my music, but when it ended, I could hear people cheering. Glancing around, I noticed all eyes on me, including very familiar ones behind a phone. I quickly made my way over to my friends and smiled slightly. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I told you we were going to bring you food," Kevin said, pointing to the box he was holding.

"So this is the scantily clad outfit you were telling us about," Scott said with an infectious laugh.

I rolled my eyes and nodded as I gave a quick spin. "My favorite one if you ask me."

"Girl that was amazing! Why don't you skate anymore again?" Kirstie asked, leaning up against the wall.

"I was thinking the same thing earlier," I said and shrugged, walking off the ice and back to my things. I sat at the table, the other four joining me. "I really don't know. I guess I just forgot how much I like it."

I glanced at Mitch to see him feverishly typing away on his phone. "Well YouTube is about to find out just how good you really are," he said, tapping one final icon before putting his phone down.

"You taped me?"

"Yep, saw the entire thing. I posted it on the internet, plus sent both Esther and Avi the video so they have a keepsake." The Jews. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh as I heard my phone start ringing.

"I'll be right back," I said, grabbing it and walking out as I answered. "Hello?"

"Hey sweetie. Are you having fun?"

I raised an eyebrow at my mom's question and nodded slightly. "Yeah, why?"

"Don't worry about coming home now, but when you do, we need to talk," she said, and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"What's going on?"

"Well, after what your father said earlier and seeing how upset you got, I realized that you weren't happy and neither was I. We can talk later when you get back, but all you need to know for right now is," she paused and let out a sigh. "Your father and I are getting a divorce."

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