Chapter 4

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Sarah's POV

They say the biggest challenge of life is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else. I was different, but I couldn't be myself. Apparently neither could at least three of my friends. They didn't know me as well as they thought they did, just like I didn't know them as well. I hated it. The constant lying, the curiousness. The stares.

The sight of smoke caught my attention and I quickly brought my hand from my paper before I accidentally burned it. Slowly looking around, I let out a silent sigh of relief that no one had seen. Or so I thought.

"Sarah?" I slowly looked up to find the teacher staring at me. I gave him a confused look as I sat up a bit. "I said what part do you sing?"

"Oh, I'm not that big on singing," I said with a small shrug. "I'm only in here because it helps my dancing," I added truthfully.

"Based on the tone of your voice, I'd say Mezzo Soprano." I gave him a dumbfounded look. "Do you read music?"

"A little," I answered, still confused as to why he was asking me these questions. He took a few notes and I looked back down, staring at the words on the paper in front of me.

"Alright, I'll put you with someone who can help you out," he said before turning his attention to the rest of the class. "Okay, I promised you that if sixty percent of the class made an A on the last test, I'd replace your semester final with a partner project instead. I'll assign partners before you leave today and you have until finals week to prepare an arrangement of a song off the list I'm going to give you. Each list is different so no two pairs should have the same song."

I began zoning out once again, barely registering the words as Mr. Edwards began pairing people off. "Sarah and Rhett." Horror ran through my body for a split second before he paused and began erasing something. "Well, yeah, this will be much better. Sarah, instead of Rhett, I'll put you with Avriel. You better pay attention too. That boy can teach you some stuff." I nodded quickly, silently hoping it stayed like that instead of him changing his mind and sticking me with Rhett again.

"Lucky bastard." Speak of the devil. "Mr. Edwards, what can he teach her that I can't?"

"Well, and I mean every offense possible when I say this, I'm trying to learn the fundamentals of music, not how to have sex with some no-good jock that turned into a whiny little bitch when he doesn't get what he wants, and when a girl compliments about how adorable his size is," I said, not bothering to spare him a glance. Looking up at the clock, I began putting my things away and sat back, running a hand through my hair. "I've heard a lot in the last couple weeks Baby Carrot."

Thankfully, the bell rang moments later and I quickly got up, shrugging my backpack on and walking out, making my way to my locker. That's gonna be news by Monday. Once I had all my books, I began making my way to my car, only to get joined by Scott and Mitch. I wonder if they're like me? Who am I kidding, the chances are smaller than my chances of living forever.

"The party tonight's gonna be on Baker Beach so wear a swimsuit," Scott said with a smirk.

"Sorry guys. I haven't thought anything of the party. I'm probably not gonna make it."

"Oh you're going if we have to make you. Think of it as initiation," Mitch said, waggling his eyebrows a bit.

"I have nothing to wear."

"Leave that to me. Meet me at the mall in an hour and bring money. I'm taking you shopping." Before I could argue, he was gone, Scott trailing along while giving me an unapologetically apologetic look. Really? Sorry not sorry?

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