Chapter 13

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"There's like nothing to do this late at night though."

I looked over at Kirstie, forcing myself not to lean against the wall of the school so I didn't mess up my dress. "How late does the ice skating rink open?"

"Until like really early in the morning. But..." she trailed off, looking down as she played with her dress. "I don't know how to ice skate."

I smiled slightly and pushed a piece of hair out of my face. We were all standing around outside trying to think of something there was to do because we had gotten bored of the music playing inside. "I can teach you," I said, my smile growing significantly.

"You know how to?" Mitch asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

I nodded and shrugged my bare shoulders. "Where do you think I found my love for dancing? My mom used to take me ice skating when I was little and I did it all throughout elementary and middle school," I said with a slight laugh. "Heck I still have my outfit from the last time I competed," I added, looking down as an embarrassed blush flooded my cheeks.

"You mean one of those skimpy outfits that makes you look like you're trying to increase your chances of getting laid?"

I dropped my jaw slightly at Scott's words, trying to think of a response. "Okay, it's not my fault they're revealing. Two, rules are rules and I wasn't one to break them. Three-"

"Have you seen the way Rhett looks at her? She wouldn't have trouble getting laid if she wanted to," Mitch finished, taking the conversation in a completely different direction.

"I'm not having this conversation," I said, immediately starting to shake my head. "Noe, change the subject."

"Why? I like this subject."

"My lack of a sex life isn't a conversation for you to dictate. Now can we please go? This dress is starting to irritate me and honestly, I miss pants," I said as I glanced over at Kevin, Esther and Avi.

"I agree with that statement," Esther said with a small laugh as she glanced up at Kevin, though he didn't seem to notice. "I say we go to the hotel and drop our things off, change and then go."

I nodded with a wide smile as she grabbed my hand, as well as Kirstie's and pulled us along. "See you guys in a few," Kirstie called as we followed along.

I suddenly stopped and pulled my hand from Esther's grip. "Hold on," I said and turned, making my way back to the guys quickly. I walked up to Avi with a slight smile. "I need my clutch," I told him, laughing a bit.

He quickly reached into his pocket and handed it to me. "Sorry," he said quietly, almost as if we were talking about something he didn't want anyone else to know. My smile faded a bit when his voice dropped into a whisper that I had to strain to pick up. "You still owe me another dance."

I felt my cheeks starting to heat up as I nodded quickly and turned, walking back to the two girls before anyone else noticed my blush. As we climbed into the car, myself in the backseat, I heard Kirstie speak. "What was that about?I need to know everything."

"He had my clutch and I needed it back," I said, leaving it at that. They didn't need to know everything, especially if I wanted Mitch and Scott to stay away, the damn buzzkills.

"Whatever you say," Esther said, glancing back in the mirror at me. I smiled slightly and leaned my head against the window, staring outside as we made our way to the hotel. Once we arrived, we each grabbed our bags and walked in, Kirstie and I waiting on Esther to get our keys.

"So who was that guy you spent the entire time with?" I asked, glancing over at her with a smirk.

"Oh, no one," she said, but her blushing and lack of eye contact saying otherwise. Apparently the look I gave her told her I wasn't buying it because she continued. "His name is Jeremy and he is one of the sweetest guys I've ever met."

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