Chapter 21

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Sarah's POV

"This place is amazing! Why haven't we ever been here?!"

"Relax Mitchie. It's just a loft," Scott told the brunette, laughing a his initial reaction.

"I have to agree with the bundle of joy," I said, dropping one of my bags to give my arm a rest, only to have Avi pick it right back up. "This place is pretty incredible."

"Just try not to burn it down." I couldn't help but frown slightly as Scott started laughing, clapping me on the shoulder. "Kidding. Don't get so worked up."

"Whatever you say," I said with a sigh. "Now, are you going to show us the way to wherever it is we can put these things down? My arms are killing me."

"I offered to carry them," Avi interjected.

"And I told you that I'm not helpless," I replied, taking my bag back from him before following Scott upstairs. Setting my things next to one of the beds, I sat down, taking it upon myself to lay back and relax.

"Scotty, is there any reason there's a guy in a car with a camera watching the building?" We all looked over at Kirstie who was staring out the window. Scott walked over, Mitch by his side and shrugged a bit. "I don't have a good feeling about him."

He closed the curtains and sat down on the bed across from the one on mine. "I don't either. If there's one thing I learned from movies, it's that guys in cars with cameras equals someone spying on someone. The only thing is, I have a strange feeling that someone is us."

I stood up and walked over to the window, pushing the burgundy curtains to the side ever so slightly. I stared, open-mouthed, not at the car, but at the man in the car. The thought of not saying anything passed through my mind, but these were my friends and I couldn't put them in danger just because I liked to run from my problems. "Avi."

"Yeah?" I kept quiet, motioning for him to come closer with nothing more than my pointer finger. He walked up behind me, peeking out the window as well.

"Does that guy look familiar to you?"

He stared at the man in the car silently, and even though I couldn't see Avi's face, I could still feel him tense up behind me which gave me the answer I needed.

"What is it bassman?" Kevin asked, curiously walking over and looking out over both mine and Avi's head.

I felt a protective arm snake around my waist, pulling me back ever so slightly. "I don't want you out by yourself while we're here," Avi said quietly, his voice lower than usually and even a bit intimidating.

I didn't like the idea of being babysat, but I knew he was just worried, so I simply nodded my head. "Okay."

"Who is it?" I heard Kevin ask, drawing the attention of Esther and Kirstie.

I kept silent, still trying to process my thoughts. Avi was the first to speak. "The man that tried to kill her."

Esther's POV

The man that tried to kill her. If that was the man that tried to kill Sarah, that meant he was the man that almost cost my brother his life. "I'll kill him," I said without thinking.

"No you won't," Kevin said, walking over to me. I couldn't help but sigh a bit, rolling my eyes at him. He would be the one to object.

"Where are you going?" Mitch asked, and we turned to see Sarah disappearing out of sight, Avi following close behind her.

A moment of silence. Then hell. "NO! LET ME GO!!"




Their voices lowered significantly, though they were still audible. "There's something you're not telling me, hun. I want to help but you not talking to me isn't helping," Avi said quietly as we all grew closer to the stairs to eavesdrop.

Silence once again.

"Please. What is it you're not telling me, babe?"

More silence, then...was that...crying? I had to strain my ears in order to hear them, but that didn't stop any of us. We were being nosy whether or not they liked it.

"Shhhh.....I know sweetheart," I heard Avi whisper, clearly trying to calm Sarah down. I didn't like the thought of my little brother dating, but honestly, I was glad it was her. I couldn't deny that they were good together.

"I know that man," we heard Sarah say, her voice strained.

"What?!" Mitch whisper-yelled, causing the rest of us shush him immediately before he blew our cover.

Avi's POV

"What do you mean you know him?" I asked, resting my cheek against the top of Sarah's head.

She was quiet for several moments aside from the occasional hiccup before finally speaking. "I had my suspicions when you got shot, but I didn't want to believe he'd go that far. I don't even know how he knew we were here," she said quietly, clearly trying not to start crying again.

"Who is it?" I asked, doing my best to keep quiet. I knew the others were listening in, but I was pretty sure Sarah didn't know, and I was determined to keep it that way.

"I didn't think I'd ever see him again. After everything that happened, and the fact that I haven't heard from him in a while." She wasn't being straightforward.

I sat down, pulling her down with me as I wrapped my arms around her. "I want an actual answer. You know damn well I can't help you if you're not honest with me, and you know I'm not stopping until I get an honest answer."

She sighed softly. "It's..." She hesitated, clearly not wanting to come clean, but she did.

A/N: Cliffhanger!!!!! Muahahaha

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