Chapter 11

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"You can't keep running from your problems."

"You were doing so good."

"Just relax, they'll forget about it by the end of the day."

I paced silently back and forth in front of my friends, nearly having a panic attack. "Spontaneous combustion wasn't on my  to-do list today!"

"No one saw," Avi said, a bit too calm about the whole situation. "Rhett and Amber only think they saw."

"I knew this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have talked them into staying," I muttered, pushing my hair out of my face and holding it there. Avi and I had to present our project today and needless to say, I nearly blew up in front of everyone because of my emotions. Given, the only flames were small and on my feet, but still.

"What are you talking about?" I heard Mitch ask, his curiosity peaked.

I stopped moving and looked over at them. "My parents wanted to move a couple weeks ago. Where do you think I get running away from my problems from? I told them I wasn't going anywhere and talked them into staying."

"Why? There's literally nothing here for you but some hot guys and bad memories," he said, walking over and putting his hand on my shoulder as I shook my head.

"My friends are here. The only thing keeping me together. And I'm not leaving my brother here," I said, leaning up against the wall of the school. "They're still not happy about it but they can get over it."

"You-you told them you weren't moving because of us?" Esther asked in awe. She had been giving me kind of hard time, despite everything that's happened, but I understood why. If we switched places, I'd probably do the same. But she had been relaxing a bit as of late. I just hoped it stayed that way.

I nodded a bit and gave a small smile. "I actually have six friends I don't have to lie to now. I don't want to let that go just because they want to run away."

"Awe we love you too," Mitch said, pulling me into a tight hug. I laughed slightly, but it quickly stopped as he pulled back and checked the time. "We gotta go or we'll be late," he said, his brown eyes wide.

"What are you talking about?" Kevin asked, genuinely confused as Scott and Avi nodded in agreement.

"Sorry boys, but us girls have nail appointments!" he said, grabbing my wrist, as well as Kirstie's and dragging us along, Esther following close behind.

"Sorry!" she called with a laugh.

"See you guys tomorrow night!" Mitch called, just before we got to Esther's car and piled in.

"After we get our nails done, we need to stop by your houses so you can get your stuff if you still plan on crashing at my place tonight," Mitch said, resting his hand on my knee.

I moved his hand and shook my head. "Not for you to touch."

"Right, sorry. That's Avi's," he said, smirking at me.


"How about we don't talk about my brother. It's kind of weird," Esther said, looking in the mirror at us.

"You know, I agree," I said quickly, causing Mitch to frown. "Why not sort out exactly what we're gonna do tomorrow night? Are we gonna eat? If so, before or after and where? That kind of stuff," I added as we pulled up to the salon.

"This is gonna be a long conversation," Kirstie said, getting out of the car.

"We've got nothing but time right now," Mitch said, closing the door and hooking his arm with mine as we walked in.

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