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inside my mind
is a plot for my demise
voices crawl around and tickle my ears
telling me things
i don't want to hear
they tell me to pick up
quick and sharp weapons
that will one day lead me to the heavens
we have an agreement
a truce of some sort
they can't hurt my family
only me they will contort
so i lay here as they rip my skin to shreds
while they whisper
thoughts of me being dead
sometimes i forget
that they're evil not good
and i'll listen
like they tell me i should
we conversate
they manipulate
my brain into a deadly noose
that will wrap around my neck
and set the voices loose
my own voice
is mixed in with their whispers
which gets me confused
and makes my wrists hurt
because shouldn't you listen to yourself
isn't it good for your health
sometimes i can't tell the difference
the voices have persistence
they impersonate me
making me think it isn't them
i don't know who it is
i begin to feel overwhlemed
is it me or is it them!?
please someone tell me!
am i supposed to listen!?
or turn away while my eyes glisten
i can't fight
i'm not strong enough
my skin isn't tough
"who are you!" i scream
is this really me
they finally take control
while the real me takes a stroll
they wrap my fingers around the knife
the voices
they plan to end my life

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