Chapter 1

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Alexander's POV

Summer is over, we all know that means school is starting again.

I'm on my way to King's college and I am quite anxious of who I will be sharing a dorm with. I really hope I will be sharing a room with Laurens, Lafayette or Mulligan.

I would add the Schuyler sisters to the list but we have different buildings for girls and boys so we are separated from each other.

The good news is that all the dorm buildings are close to each other so it won't be such a long way to pay a visit to them every once in a while.

I make my way to my dorm and open the door. There is no one else yet so I will get to choose my room first.

I got the room closest to the exit on the left. It wasn't very big. There was a bed on the left corner of the room, next to it was a wooden work desk.

I went to put my bags on the floor next to the desk. I put my stuff on their rightfull places.

I heard the door open and got up to see who it was. I walked to the door to see my friend Burr. I was clad I'm sharing a room with a friend.

Burr looked at me and smiled. "Alexander, how have you been?" He asked me. I forgot we haven't talked in a while. "I'm doing alright, how about you?" I asked casually.

Burr let out a silent chuckle. "Still the same Alexander I remember. You haven't changed at all, have you?"

"I suppose I haven't" I answered.
Burr took the room on the right seeing it was the only room left. I helped him with unpacking so it went faster and we could catch up on where we left last time.

It was getting late so we said good night and both went to our own rooms. I was now laying on my bed on my pyjamas and texting with my friends.

Laurens: So who did you get as a roommate?

Hamilton: Burr. Who did you get?

Laurens: I got Lafayette and Mulligan. We got the room for three.

Hamilton: Awesome. Wanna meet up tomorrow? If I remember correctly we still have a week left till school starts?

Laurens: Yep. Anyways I'm tired so I'll talk to you later. Night Alex.

Hamilton: Good night John.

I went to sleep after that and fell asleep rather fast.

I woke up in the morning to the sound of someone cooking in the kitchen. I got up and walked to the kitchen and saw Burr making breakfast for the both of us.

"Good morning Alexander." Burr said while I got coffee. "Good morning." I simply answered.

I went to sit to the table while Burr had already made everything ready. "How early did you get up this morning?" I questioned.

"About an hour before you came from your room." He answered.

I took a bite out of the pancake Burr had made and it was actually good, way better than anything I can cook.

Once I finished I put the plate to the dishwasher. I thanked Burr for the breakfast and told him it was good. I took out my phone and texted John.

Hamilton: Hey, you awake yet?

Laurens: Yep.

Hamilton: Would you mind if I pay a visit?

Laurens: I don't mind, but Herc and Lafayette haven't woken up yet so come quietly.

Hamilton: Alright. I'll be there in about 10 minutes.

I put my phone away and got changed. I put on some jeans and a green T-shirt. I was going to the door when Burr asked me "Where are you going this early?"

"I'm going to hang out with John, Lafayette and Hercules." I answered.
Burr went to his room after that so I left.

When I was in front of John's door I quietly knocked so I won't wake up Lafayette and Hercules. John asnwered the door and let me inside.

We sat on the couch and chatted for awhile until we heard a door open. We saw Lafayette come from his room rubbing his eye sleepily.

"Good morning. Slept well I see?" I said. It took awhile for Lafayette to recognise that I was there with John. A smile grew on Lafayette's face and he sat down on the couch with us. "Oui, Mon Ami. (Yes, my friend) I did sleep well." Lafayette answered.

We decided it was time to wake up Hercules. It was already 10am and he was still sleeping.

Lafayette made some breakfast and asked if I wanted any. I told him that I already had breakfast.

When Hercules woke up and came in to the room stretching and yawning.
He saw me a smiled.

We decided to watch a movie. While we were watching a movie Lafayette picked I started braiding John's hair.

John either didn't notice it or then he just didn't mind that much. When I was done I took a hair tie and tied it up so it won't undo itself while we watched the rest of the movie.

When the movie ended John got up and walked to a mirror looking at his braided hair. He laughed a little and looked at me. "Alex, I didn't know you could braid hair"

"I didn't know either." I answered truthfully. "I guess you learn something new everyday" I said.

My phone buzzed and I took it out to look at it. I got a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, you coming? We are having a tour around the school in 20 minutes.

Hamilton: Who is this?

Unknown: Burr, I forgot to tell you I have this number now.

Hamilton: Oh.

Burr: You know you should come to get your schedule, I am pretty sure you didn't take it with you want you left.

Hamilton: Yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes.

I told my friends that I have to go and left. When I was walking to my dorm I heard talking. I wouldn't have noticed it if the voice haven't been so familiar. I would know that voice anywhere.

I decided to listen to some of the conversation that was going on in the hallway right around the corner.

"So, who are you sharing the dorm with?" That voice belonged to Madison, no doubt.

"I share it with-"  Jefferson was interrupted by me slipping and falling to the floor behind him.

"Hamilton" Jefferson said with venomous tone.

"Jefferson" I answered in the same way. I got up, dusted myself and left.


That was the first chapter. I hope you liked it and do tell me your thoughts about it.  :)

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now