Chapter 11

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I have a plan to discover who the person in front of me is right now.
"I guess I should starts going now" I said and 'accidentally' fell.

As I expected he catches me. If he wouldn't have catches me he would have probably helped me up which would have worked just fine too.

As he was catching me I grabbed his arm so I wouldn't fall. This action got me close to him without him being careful. I put my head against him and hold myself to him to let him think I'm catching my breath.

I then quickly get up and jump to get his hood off. It worked, but he started running away before I got the chance to see his face. Also I think he had a hoodie under it because he had a good over his head so I can't get any details of what he looks like for example a hair colour or a hair style.

I was kind of disapointed that I failed, from now on he'll be careful around me. Well, I guess I better get to my dorm. Burr will get worried if I stay out for too long. He's such a nice protective friend, which is good because if he wouldn't be like he is, I would have been in a hospital a lot more often either for telling people how wrong they are or by not sleeping enough because of writing.
He's such a good friend.

Anyways, I better get to my dorm instead of stopping here to think and remember all the nice and not so nice things.

I started walking back and it was already probably midnight. After some time had passed I got to the dorm building. I started getting up the stairs and then I saw Jefferson with a plastic bag.

"Jefferson why aren't you in your dorm?" I asked trying to sound polite even though I really didn't want to. He looked at me straight in the eyes "I could ask the same from you"

Well, he did have a point. It's not common for people to meet a person in the woods who writes them notes anonymously. "That's non of your business!" I said.

"Then why should you know why I am here at this hour if you're not gonna tell yourself?" He asked sounding a little irritated. "Maybe I just didn't want to see you!" I half yelled. I didn't want to wake up the whole building.

"Then why don't you run away with those short legs of yours and get out of my sight?!" Jefferson said raising his voice.

"You wanna go?!" I yelled at him.
He rolled his eyes at me. Rude. "Classic Hamilton, always trying to fight when you're just gonna need to be saved if you start. Why even bother fighting everyone? You know you're gonna lose anyways." He said in a mocking tone. I was done!

I stormed off yelling "Thomas god damn Jefferson you better stay away from me!!"

"Why don't you shut up for a change and stay far away from me?!" Jefferson yelled after me. I went to my dorm, got to my room, jumped in my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to hear yelling from the hall. Well that sure wasn't a nice way to wake up. I got up anyways and when I was at the door of my room I heard the door open and I saw Alexander come in and go straight to his room.

Well, that explains the yelling.
I wonder what happened and who he was yelling with...

I decided to make some tea for Hamilton to calm him down a bit.
I booked a bit of water and got some Jasmin tea for him and a bit on honey mixed in.

I took the tea and walked to Alexander's door and knocked.

"What is it?" He asked.
"I got you some tea." I answered.
Alexander opened the door, he looked same time a little angry but mostly he looked sad. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked hoping he will.

"Fine.." I walked to sit on the couch and then patted a spot next to me. Alexander sat next to me and I gave the tea to him.

He waited a little before taking a sip of it. "So, wanna tell me what happened?" I asked kindly.
Alexander waited a little before answering "I saw Jefferson in the hall..." He said Jefferson's name with a lot of venom.

So what's why he was yelling.
"Well, now you don't need to mind him alright? I'm here, we can get John, Lafayette and Hercules here for a sleepover if you want" I smiled at him.

He smiled a little. "Yeah, but we have school tomorrow, I'm not gonna bother them when they are most likely asleep already." He took another sip.

"True, true. Try not to stay up too late alright?" I asked getting up.
"Oh, and Alexander?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He looked a little confused.
"Good night, try to get some rest and I'll try to do something so Jefferson won't do it again." I said smiling at him and going out from our dorm.

I know Jefferson likes Alexander, why would he make him upset? It doesn't make sence! I'm gonna go talk to him.

I was walking to Jefferson's dorm. When I got to the door I knocked to it casually.

I waited for a while and then the door opened. "Burr? What are you doing here?" Madison asked.

"I would like to talk to Jefferson. Is he available? Sorry or coming at this hour, if he's already asleep I can wait till tomorrow." I said being polite.

"It's alright, he just came from the store, we were out of milk. I'll tell him you're here." Madison said and walked to get Jefferson.

I waited for some time and then Jefferson came to the door and opened it a little wider so I can get in.

"So, you wanted to talk?"



The picture isn't related to the story but it was cute so I wanted to put it there :3

Have a nice day! :)

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now