Chapter 16

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He asked that even though he knows the answer! Why is he constantly trying to embarrass me? Is he enjoying my pain?!

I sigh and look at him. "No, but I could easily" I say. He looks at me with that grin of his plastered on his face. "Naw, no you couldn't. If you could you already most likely would!" He says.

I won't admit it to him, but he's right.
The solution to this, is to ignore it and give him something else to think about. "Truth or dare?" I ask him.

"I'll go with truth" he says. And now, I need to come up with a question. I let out a 'hm' sound while thinking. He seemed to get bored of waiting so I just said the cliché. "Who is your crush?"

"Really Hamilton? Couldn't come up with anything more original?" He said in a slight mocking tone. I quickly came up with an excuse. "It's the classic. You gotta ask it at some point, so why not now?"

"Fair enough." He said. Then he seemed to think for a while "Quick question. Would you like a kiss?" He asked like it was the most natural thing to say.

"What?! How can you ask something like that like it's nothing?!" I half yelled, half asked him. "You don't have to take it if it bothers you that much, but I will take one either way." He said getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Then it hit me. Kiss was the chocolate thing. I let out a sigh of frustration. He looked at me "Does that mean yes?" He asked casually. I was quiet for a second and then responded with a simple "Yeah"

He chuckled and came back with a box of kisses. He gave me one and took one for himself. "Before I answer to your question, I want to ask you something" he said seriously.

"Uh, you're not the one whose turn it is to ask, but go ahead." I said taking a bite of my kiss. "Do you have any problem with the LBGT community?" He said. "Um, no? I mean, I'm part of it! Why would I have anything against it?" I asked. I just couldn't understand what would be bad about the community.

"Ok then good. I have a crush on one guy" he admitted. "You do know I want to know Who your crush is, not the gender of your crush?" I pointed out. He seemed to get a bit uncomfortable and I began to think it was someone either really close to me or someone whose guts I hate.

He mumbled something too quiet for me to hear. "Jefferson, speak up or come here and whisper it to me if you can't get it out otherwise." I said.

He looked at me surprised and then came closer. He started going for my ear and right when he was about to whisper he turned my face to his and kissed me.


Hamilton.exe has stopped working.

I froze. I didn't know what to to do, how to react, what this meaned. Scratch that, I know exactly what this meaned, but I don't know how In supposed to react to something like this! This has never happened before, I am thinking of every possible thing at the same time. Oh no I'm taking too long, he's looking at me worriedly, he probably thinks I'm weird because I froze. What am I going to do! What should I do? Should I run to Burr or to Lafayette, Hercules and John? Should I run to the park? Should I kiss him? Should I fall to the ground and play dead?

I fell to my back from my sitting position and just stared at the ceiling for some time in a trance and kept just think every possible outcome of every possible way of responding to this.

Jefferson on the other hand started to freak out and came to see if I was alive. He shook me a little getting me out of my endless train of thoughts and I looked at him in the eyes.

"Jefferson-" he cut me off. "Hamilton, please don't ever do that again! Yes, it's ok to not like me back but for god's sake don't just fall and start staring at the ceiling with a blank expression for a long time! Please, I got really worried! I'm so sor-" I cut him off by kissing him. After we pulled apart we just looked at each other for some time and I think we accomplished something.

"All those coffees and notes were worth it!" Jefferson says after a while, smiling like an idiot. "Wait, you did that?!" I looked at him shocked and my mouth a little open with disbelief. "Uh, yeah. I think we have a lot to talk about" he said scratching the back of his neck.

I just hugged him and we ended up cuddling on the floor after we got a few pillows. It was great.



Well, I'm not sure should I be proud or horrified with what I wrote.

I know this isn't the best way to get this to an end, but here it is.
It's done.

I hope you got some joy out of this book and I really hope you liked it!

This was my first book so it's not really the greatest thing I can make probably.

I know I'll improve over time and I don't think this is the worst way to start up.

I'll most likely do Hetalia books after this and if you like Hetalia, feel free to join me!

And wow, we ended this story with
11.8K views and 486 votes! That is crazy! I'll see if this for some reason gets even more popular over time, but these are the numbers this story had when it was finished. (Pretty much for the people in the future who are reading this)

Have a nice day! ^^

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now