Chapter 3

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I woke up to someone closing my door. I opened my eyes to find myself in my bed. Huh, weird, I could of sworn I fell asleep on my desk.

I got up and went to my door to see Burr start cooking breakfast. "Burr, did you put me on my bed?" I asked without even thinking.

"Actually I did. I know if I don't you will wake up in pain because a desk is not a place to sleep and then you would complain about it." Burr answered.

"Fair enough." I said. I mean I know that's exactly what would of happened. "Burr, did school start today?" I asked.

"Yes. It will start at 9 am because it's the first day so I didn't bother to wake you up for another hour but you woke up on your own." Burr answered.

I nodded and went to make coffee. While coffee was coming I went to change so when I come back coffee and breakfast will be ready.

We are the breakfast and got ready and went to the school together. Burr went somewhere and I went to Lafayette sence we are on the same class.

"Hey Lafayette, what's your schedule?" I asked. I hoped we had most of the classes together. Lafayette showed me his and we actually had all the same classes.

"Well, I'll have a friend in every class" I said while smiling. Lafayette seemed exited about the fact.

"Mon Ami I was worried we wouldn't have any classes besides homeroom together!" I chuckled a bit "yeah, me too."

We went on with the day mostly just getting information on what we will do on the class for the year. For my unfortunate I shared every class with Jefferson.

When the day ended I was looking for Burr and when I found him he was talking to a girl. I decided to wait a while and walked to Burr when the girl left.

"So who was that?" I asked. "Oh, she is my new friend." Burr answered casually. "Ok, wanna head to the dorm or go for a coffee?" I asked. "Well, I'd rather go to dorms bit you can go for a coffee if you want." Burr said. "Nah, I'll just come with you"

We went to our dorm but Burr left quite fast telling me his gonna go to his friends dorm for a few hours.

I was all alone and I didn't mind. I was driving king coffee and continuing my little progress I started last night.

I heard a knock on my door and I answered it. I saw Lafayette standing there. "Oh, hello Lafayette. What brings you here?" I asked casually.
" Oh, just thought if you wanted to hang out? Hercules is with John  somewhere and I didn't want to be alone." He answered.

Why would Hercules and John leave Lafayette? Well, I guess they're keeping something from him, maybe a surprise gift or something. I'll ask them about it later. "Sure, come in." I said and moved aside so Lafayette can come in.

"So what have you been up to?" Lafayette asked. Odd, he didn't say 'mon ami' or anything in French.
"Not much, just writing. You know, the usual." I answered.

"Hey are you alright? You're acting a little weird.." I said. "Say what?" He questioned. "You're acting oddly" I answered. "Oh, I'm just a little tired." He told me. "Ok, if you say so." I said even though I know so.ethings wrong.

"So, what about your crush on Hercules? Have you tried to ask him out like I suggested to?" I asked.

"No, not yet. Maybe just wait a while." He answered. "You're not Lafayette."
I said. "What? Of course I am! What are you talking about?" He questioned standing up. "I never told Lafayette to ask Hercules out. He hasn't even told me if the even liked Hercules that way. Reveal yourself!" I yelled

So said Lafayette ran from the door to the hallway and continued to run to Lafayette's dorm. I shut the door and text Lafayette.

Hamilton: Lafayette, someone dressed as you was just at my dorm and ran away when I proved that he wasn't you! Do you know what's going on? Anything?

Lafayette: Alex, Mon Ami, you're drunk.

Hamilton: No, I'm not. I haven't drank any alcohol for a good while. Last time I did I was with you!

Lafayette: Then you're hallucinating because you haven't been sleeping.

Hamilton: Lafayette, you're impossible sometimes... I saw you but he wasn't you.

Lafayette: Alexander, how about you go to sleep Mon Ami?

Hamilton: Fine. Good night.

Lafayette: Night Mon Ami.

I went to sleep after that locking every door I could. I fell asleep after a while.


Well, some of you may already know what's going on but please keep it a surprise for others thank you. Also I know it's a little shorter then the other two chapters but I'll try to update soon enough. May take a while though. I hope you enjoyed, Have a nice day!  :)

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now