Chapter 12

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"yes, I need to talk with you for a bit. Mind if we talk in your room? I mean, it is supposed to be just between us." Burr asked. "Sure" I said getting up and walking to my room.

What in the world Burr wants to tell me if it's private?? I mean, if it is something private I'm glad he isn't going to say it so that Madison will hear. I mean I do trust Madison, it's just that I don't want him to know everything. It could be uncomfortable if he knew everything that there is to know about me.

Anyways, I saw at the side of my bed and Burr sat down next to me.
"Jefferson, why did you yell at Alexander?" Burr asked. This was that private that he needed to say it in my room so Madison won't hear?? Is he crazy? Madison knows I fight with Hamilton all the time!

"Does it matter? How was this is 'private' anyways?" I asked confused.
"Because I have figured out that you are the one sending him notes. You like him, don't you." He asked. How did he figured it out?

"What? Send notes? If I liked him I could just say it to his face." That was a lie, but I do seem confident as far as I've heard. "Really now" He saw right through me. "No..." I said defeated.

"So tell me, why did you yell at him" Burr said seriously. "He makes me mad." It was only half of the truth though. "So? Do you want to hurt him?" That was a hard question.
"Uh, maybe? I don't know." I answered honestly.

"Just ask me if you need help, I just wish you two would stop fighting soon. Oh, and one more thing"

"Do not hurt my friends. He may make you mad, but if you go too far, I'll make you pay for it." Well that was kind of imitating. After Burr said that he left. I heard him telling James good bye politely.

I didn't know Burr would be that protective. I mean I know he is very fond of his friends and would do almost anything for them. He's protective and caring, I guess that means I hurt Hamilton enough for Burr to come after me...


It was morning and I woke up. I actually like the tea Burr makes, he always makes it sweeter by adding home honey and mixing it in there.

I need to go to school so I woke up early, but not to my alarm. I woke up to hearing the door close. I got up and went to peek from my room.

I guess Burr had to go sence I was at the door fast enough to smell the faint sent of Burr and well, no one else would probably be here in the morning.

I started thinking thinking about early mornings, linking them with school, Linking​ school with study books, linking study books with a locker and Linking my locker to the notes.

I started thinking of the time I, in a way, met him. He was tall and when the catched me it actually felt nice.

Well, thinking about the notes makes me think about my locker what makes me think about school and how I'm almost late so I put on what I wore last night and started running to school.

I was almost late from English class where Mr.Washington was already starting the class. I got in the last minute but I wasn't marked down as being late.

I got to my seat and I worked hard the whole class. I kept thinking about unimportant things while doing my work. I was almost fluent in English. There was only few words where I mixed up sometimes, but that's usually because I either talk or wrote too fast.

I got out of class after others because I like to write every little thing down.
I heard someone come in.

"Mon petit lion! (My little lion) when will you come to lunch, we are waiting for you!" Lafayette said coming in front of me. "I know your papers are important but eating lunch is more important for your health Mon Ami." Well, Lafayette had a point.

"Fine, I'm coming I'm coming. Let me just pack my bag quick." I said while packing. Oh, those three always knew where to find me. Probably because they know my schedule already.

"So, What's for lunch?" I asked.
"Alex? Why do you ask, you always have your own lunch with you?" Lafayette asked confused. "I was in a hurry in the morning. I didn't have time to pack myself lunch" Lafayette walked in front of me. "Mon Ami, that's no reason to eat food you hate. You can have some of my lunch, I always pack a little more then I need just in case!" Lafayette said

"I couldn't do-" "I have French toast with me" "Well if you insist" "I do insist" Lafayette smiled and got a French toast from his lunch bag and gave it to me. I smiled "Thank you so much!" Lafayette just smiled "Pas De problème, Mon Ami" (no problem, my friend)

I am grateful to have such great friends. I ate lunch with Lafayette​, Hercules and John. John was drawing the same time, he was good at drawing.

Hercules just ate his lunch and chatted with us. We all chatted even tho John wasn't paying that much attention to what we talked because he was drawing. He would every now and then just look at us confused and ask what was going on and then laugh with us.

We got out of lunch and I actually had a free period next and then home. I actually didn't have anything to do or anything to study so Mr.Washington told me that I am free to go after I did all the work he gave me to do in the meantime.

Hmm, what to do now?

Another chapter in such a short time? Wow, I'm on fire, someone cool me down.

Anyways, I'll try my best to keep updating as much as possible.

Oh! I also wrote a description to my profile so if you have time and you want go I would be delighted to have people read it! :)

Have a nice day!

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now