Chapter 7

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It was lunch time and I really didn't want to eat in the cafeteria today so I went outside to the school ground and sat under a tree.

It was a really nice, beautiful, peaceful place to spend time. It was on the side where many people didn't really spend time.

I always liked it there. It was quiet if you didn't count the far away yelling that came from the bigger crowds at the school.

The tree was actually pretty far away but with a right route it was pretty easy to get there fast and spend time alone.

I usually came here to get away from people to have time to think and relax.

Right now I am kind of nervous of how will Hamilton react to the letter I sent and I am considering whether I should actually let him know the mystery person is me.

Well, I'm pretty sure he would just never look at me the same way again and probably avoid me twice as much as now.

I think I'll wait a little longer. I mean, he should first get used to the fact that he has someone being nice to him and who knows, it could be fun watching him try figuring out who the mystery person is.

I looked at the time and lunch was almost over so I stood up to go to school again. I'll see how Hamilton's doing.

I walked to the cafeteria and looked over to where Hamilton sits. He is with Lafayette, John, Hercules and Burr. I'm not really surprised, they get along well enough.

I sometimes do envy them. They can spend time with Hamilton without him hating them. Don't get me wrong, Hamilton can be quite irritating sometimes and stubborn but he seems really nice person if you get to know him.

He seems to defend his friends no matter what. Once Charles Lee picked on John for something, I really wasn't interested, but then Hamilton came to help a friend in need.

I should try getting to know John better so I can ask him about Hamilton, they seem to be really good friends.

The bell rang so I went to my class and the teacher explained something I wasn't interested in. I was thinking of all those times I had been mean to Hamilton. Maybe I should apologize, and maybe then he wouldn't hate me that much?

No, I have to plan something. Like a walk in the park or a forest or something. Also maybe I should get him something he likes? I don't know what he likes. I should ask Hercules, Lafayette or John.

The class ended and so did school, I wasn't really paying attention to anything so few hours went by without me noticing.

I was walking home when I heard loud yelling and the usual sounds of a fight. I walked quietly up to the place and looked behind a corner and I saw Hamilton in a fight Whit Charles Lee.

They were fighting and yelling about something, I really didn't care that much, but I saw that they both had pretty many bruises.

I guess I came too late because Lee just punched Hamilton unconscious and started to leave. I went behind him and punched him, not even that hard, but enough that he fell unconscious. I guess he got pretty good hits from Hamilton.

I put him in a position where he won't drown to his nosebleed and put him to a place where someone who cares can find him. It can take a while.

When I was done I looked over to Hamilton and took a really small emergency package that I always carry around with me.

I cleaned the worst cuts so he won't ruin my jacket when I carry him. I picked Hamilton up and carried him to his dorm. I knocked and waited hoping that Burr was there.

Soon enough Burr opened the door and looked worried when he saw Hamilton and then shocked when he saw me carrying him.

"Jefferson I don't know what you did to him, but thank you for bringing him back. Now please go put him on that couch. I'll clean him up and then you better answer some questions." Burr said and I did what I was told.

"Ya know I did clean up the worst cuts." I said. "You? Ok tell me why would you do that when you hate him." Burr asked. "Well, you know, my jacket would be in his blood otherwise. It was expensive..."

Burr looked at me for a while but didn't say anything. When he was done with cleaning Hamilton he picked him up and carried him to what I assume is Hamilton's bedroom.

Burr came back and made me sit on the couch. "Now, tell me what the hell did you do!" Burr demanded. I raised my hands "I did nothing, if anything I just saved him."

"Then tell me who would want to do something like this to him!" Burr whisper-yelled so he wouldn't wake Hamilton. "To be honest I'd say half of the school. But I did see it was Charles Lee." I said.

"I need to go talk to him about this" Burr said to himself. "Oh, no need. He's unconscious. I may or may not have punched him to the back of his head. I must say I was surprised how much damage Hamilton did to him."

Burr stayed quiet. "So, you want to stay for a tea or just get out?" Burr asked, obviously wanting me to go.
"Nah, I'm good. Just promise you won't tell Hamilton it was me, or Charles Lee." I said ready to go.

"Alright, I guess that's the least I can do" Burr Said. "Heh, Yeah." I left and went to my own dorm and laid on my bed. I fell asleep pretty soon after that and dreamed of nothing.


So sorry this took so long. I really haven't had any motivation untill now, but that doesn't mean I won't update this every now and then.

I am also really busy with school and other stuff.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and have a nice day!

Ok, so some people saw this fully and some at the middle. Anyways, I think it is because of what you're reading this with. Well, I hope you still liked this and you probably can't see this text if it doesn't work for you. I just hope it works now to all.

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now