Chapter 6

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I heard footsteps coming in my direction. I hold my breath so I won't be noticed. I was under a low table. It was low enough to hide me but tall enough to fit me. I saw foots and after they walked in front of me I looked at who it was.

It was Mr. Washington. I guess it's only normal for him to come to school really early so I'm not really that surprised.

I waited and waited but after about five people had come I decided not to make a fool out of myself so when there was no one around I got up from under the table and went to my locker. I put my stuff in and took only the ones I need before lunch.

I heard someone say "Hamilton! Why were you up so early and more importantly why are you here so early? You had me worried something happened to you! It's seven am! Only teachers are here!" It was Burr.

"Sorry, wait, how did you know where to look for me?" I asked. "I checked our building and well, you like school and it is the only place I can think of you having such a hurry." Burr answered. "Oh, ok." I said casually and turned around to go in front of my first class's room but Burr inturupted me

"Hamilton! You still didn't answer me. Why did you get here so early?" I sighed. "Burr, I know you can but I'm still going to ask you something. Can you keep a secret?" I asked. Burr looked at me for a moment before answering, "of course."

"Well, I've been getting these really nice letters in my locker and there's usually a coffee or a hot chocolate with it. I wanted to get here really early and catch the person red handed in the action! I want to know who does that for me everyday!" I explained.

Burr looked at me for a while before chuckling. "Well, someone obviously likes you. I'll help you with it ok?" Burr smiled. I smiled back "Thank you. That would be great." I answered.

"So, how are we gonna do it?" I asked.
"Well, we aren't gonna do anything. I'd say you go to your first class and I'll stay here keeping an eye on your locker while 'waiting for Jefferson' and when the person comes, BOOM, he's caught and I'll tell you who it is." Burr explained.

"Why can't I be with you? I wanna see who it is." I ask. "The person obviously knows you and doesn't want to get caught by you. Duh. Isn't it obvious?" Burr mocked. "Oh, right. I really need to get some sleep tonight." I yawned and walked to my first class. I hope this works.


I was waiting for the coffee. I had a note ready and I'd just put it in Hamilton's Locker like I do everyday. It has become a routine by now.

As I was walking closer to Alexander's locker I saw Burr. I knew I can't just out the note and coffee there. If Burr would saw me do it he would tell Alexander as soon as possible.

I'm not going to take any risks. I'm just going to walk past him and go to my class and put the note in the next chance I get.

I was walking past Burr until I heard. "Hey Jefferson! Would you like to wait for Alex with me? I'm going to the same class as him but I don't wanna be alone till that. I mean we have no hurry to the classes, half of the students aren't here yet." Burr had told me.

I of course, being the polite person that i am, accepted. We waited for a while and I got an idea. "What if Hamilton is already at the class? I mean I'd expect him to be here already. I've never seen him in the morning and I come with the bigger growd."

Burr seemed to think for a while but he accepted. We walked to the class together cause' my class was in the classroom next to theirs.

"I'm going to the bathroom, be right back" I said and went to the direction of the bathrooms. I actually went to Hamilton's locker. I opened it and there was a letter. A letter for me.

It said:
Hello mystery person.I don't know why you do this, but thank you. Also I'm not sure what to panning but all I
know is that I want to know what it is.
And I want to know who you are. You
seem to know me so why can't I know you? - Alexander Hamilton

I thought about what it said over and over again. I wrote him a new note.

You're welcome. I actually don't have a plan. I just wanted to be nice. Also sorry for not having a coffee today, I bought you one but it accidentally fell to the ground. I would have gone to get another but I was in a hurry already. I am Terribly sorry. Anyways, I am planning on meeting you maybe one day. But not soon. - Mystery person

I was quite happy with it. I put the note inside and I went back to Burr and Hamilton. They were discussing something, I didn't really pay attention.

Hamilton saw me and groaned. He walked away from me and Burr and sat on the floor. He has pretty much always hated me. I always went along with it because I hated to lose anything. The truth is I don't actually hate him. I dislike many things about him but, everyone dislikes something in another person, right?

The class started and I went to my class as Burr and Hamilton went to theirs. I really hope Hamilton won't know it's me, but same time, I want him to know. But he has to figure it out by himself.


I am so sorry this took so long! I have been really busy and I have so many things I need to do and not enough time, I will try to keep up with updating to at least once a month.

Feel free to tell me if it starts taking longer than a month and I'll try my best to fix it.

Also thank you so much for as the comments I really love reading them and lets see how this story will continue.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to upload soon again.

Have a nice day!  :)

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now