Chapter 4

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I hope Hamilton didn't recognise me. I know he knows I'm not Lafayette, I just hope he doesn't know it was me of all people.

The reason I did it was to see if he's ok. He looked like a zombie yesterday at school. Ok that's not so new but it has been going on like this for a pretty long time now.

I went to Lafayette and asked him to help me out. I promised Lafayette to get him something from France the next time I'll visit there so he helped me out.

I got some of his usual clothes and he put my hair on a ponytail so I looked like him. He got some of my clothes so there wouldn't be two Lafayette's.

Also only Lafayette knows so I hope Lafayette doesn't go out and meet Madison or anyone cause' that could end up bad.

Anyways I have planned to tomorrow in school leave a warm coffee to his Locker in the morning right before he goes to school so he gets it warm and leave a note for him. Obviously I'm not going to sign it.

It's getting late so I'm heading off to bed. I changed clothes with Lafayette about an hour ago so I will myself tomorrow in school. And so I drifted to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm and got up stretching. I went to the kitchen where Madison had made me coffee and French toast. He was always so thoughtful and caring.

I got dressed and got everything ready. I went to the nearest coffee place and took the coffee Lafayette told me Hamilton liked.

I went to school and found Hamilton's locker. I got it open with a code Lafayette got me. I put the note first and the coffee on top of it so the note could be seen.

The note said:

Hamilton. I took notice you've been looking tired and I assume you would like a coffee in the morning. I got a one you like and I hope it's still warm when you get it. And no this is not a prank. I can promise you that much.

From a mysterious person.

I left it and closed his Locker quickly. I got to my locker and put my stuff there and took the books I need.
I went to hang out near Hamilton's locker so I'd see his reaction.

It took like 5 or 10 minutes for Hamilton to arrive. He opened his Locker and looked confused. He took the note and read it. He looked up at the coffee piking it up and taking a sip. He seemed to like it and he took it with him drinking it and he seemed to be focused on the note so much he walked right into me.

I looked at him rudely. "Watch it Hamilton!" I said venomously.
He cleared at me "Shut it Jefferson before I shove this coffee somewhere you don't want it." He answered rudely. "How do you even have friends if you're that rude? Do you even have friends?" I said and walked away.

Yes, I felt bad about it, but F he thinks I hate him he won't ever suspect me and the fact that I care will stay a secret as long as I want it to.

I got to my first class and saw Madison. I sat next to him and we started the class. I got on with it and after a few classes was lunch.

I sat down with Madison on our table and later Burr joined us. He's really not that bad, Linda boring sometimes but he has good points. Also he doesn't brag about his achievements unlike Hamilton. How do they even get along? They're so different!

I chatted with them and then got up to get to my next class. I went to my next class and got on with it and soon I noticed another day of school had passed.

I walked to my dorm with Madison. We ate dinner and he went to his room and I watched TV. I really didn't find anything interesting so I told Madison I'm going to go on a walk.

I wanted to be alone so I went to the forest near by. It is actually pretty big if you think about it. I had found a really peaceful place in there and I always went there if I wanted some alone time. There was a small pond and a role where I always saw and threw the smaller rocks to the pond.

I listened to the bids sing and the sound of a rock hitting the water making a little splash. It was a really nice place. It was beautiful, peaceful and away from people.

It was getting really dark. Almost fully black sky and the only light in the forest was the shining of the moon and stars.

I walked back to the dorms before I heard a small sniffle. I got curious and went to look who was crying. I stayed quiet and I was almost invisible in the dark.

I was surprised to see Hamilton there. I was still hiding behind a tree a few meters away from him. I always had a small necklace with me, it was with me always because I always forgot to put it away.

It's a necklace I used at one time but Hamilton has never seen it. I never had it while I was around Hamilton. Not for any reason I just never happened to have it at the time when he was there.

I took a small rock and put the necklace with it and threw it in front of him. Hopefully he'll take it and use it. I decided to quickly go before he sees me and in no time I was in my dorm. I went to my room and literally just fell to my bed and fell asleep.


Well, I have no idea how I'll continue this story. I got no plan but I'll just write it in the moment.

Also sorry for all the typos already cause' I'm way too lazy to actually read it over to fix it. Maybe later?

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and Have a nice day!  :)

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now