Chapter 9

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I went to Alexander's locker and got his book's and the note. There was a coffee but it was already cold so I threw it away.

I closed the locker and started walking home. I looked at the beautiful sky with almost no clouds. When I was watching the sky I accidentally fell.

I didn't hurt myself but the books and the note fell. I started to pick them up and while doing so, John came to help me out.

"Hey Burr, you alright?" John asked me. "Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for asking." John looked at the books "Wow, you got a lot of homework. Want some help with them?"

"Oh, the books. They're for Alexander. He asked me to get them for him." I answered him. "Oh, I'll help you bring them. There's a lot of books for one person to carry. How does Alex do it all the time?" John wondered. "He'll really do anything to be a perfect student."

"Yeah, kind of sad in a way. He'll never get to enjoy life being to stressed with his work.." John said. "Hey! What's this?" John took the note. "Have a nice day and I hope you're alright, I heard you were in a fight? What happened?" John questioned.

"Alexander was in a fight again. I told Mr. Washington that he was sick because Alexander asked me to." I answered leaving out that Jefferson had carried him back home.

"Can I come over so I can spend some time with him?" John asked. "Sure. Do you wanna stay for dinner?" I asked him. "That would be nice!" John smiled and we walked to my dorm together. John helped me carry some of Alexander's books.

When we got there I opened the door and went to knock on Alexander's door. "Alex, you have a friend over"
I said and went to the kitchen.

"John, I'll be making dinner. When it's ready would you bring Alexander to eat. He hasn't had much of an apatite lately" I told him. "Of course. Thank you." John went to Alexander's room and I went to make dinner.


I went to Alexander's room with all his books and the note with me.

"Hey, Alex. I got you your books with Burr. He went to make dinner so I decided to bring these here for you. Are you alright?" I was worried about Alex. "I'm alright John, just, leave them over there" Alex said while pointing at his desk.

I went over to his desk and put down the books. I took the note and went to sit next to him while he was working his eyes clued to the computer.

I gave him the note "Alex, this was there too" Alex looked at me and took the note reading it. Alex groaned "Why can't I get my as around to who it is?! It's so confusing! Who else would have known? Who else?" Alex kept rambling on and on about it.

"Burr got you home that night, right? Maybe he saw this person or maybe he told someone? Well, other than me of course" I said. Alex seemed to stop for a moment to think "That could work, unless Burr have a promise not to tell anyone. Burr always keeps his promises." Alex thaught out loud.

"We could ask him while eating dinner. I'm sure if you eat too it could help to get him in a better mood and he might tell." I told him trying to get him the idea of eating.

"I don't feel like eating." Alex said. "Don't you wanna know who it is? And think about how hard Burr worked for the dinner he makes. I'm sure he'd be really happy if you ate." I told him hoping to chance his mind.

Alex sighs "Fine. I'll give in this time. I can't really study if I don't eat properly." I smiled "Yeah"

"John, Alexander! The dinners ready" we heard Burr calling. "Alex, let's go eat alright? I'm starving!" I took Alex's hand and got him carefully up. "Yeah, yeah. Coming." Alex said smiling a bit.

We went to the dining table and I helped burr set the table. Alex got some food and started eating. He seemed to get his hunger back and ate another plate of food.

"Thanks John." Burr said, "you really got him to eat." Burr got himself some food and I went after him. We ate in peace and chatted a bit at the same time.

After dinner I talked with Alex a while and then my phone got a message.

Lafayette: John Mon Ami! (Mon Ami = my friend) Where are you? I'm worried, you didn't come home!

John: Sorry, I saw Burr drop some books and helped him. I went with him to see Alex.

Lafayette: Alex you say? Tell him I said hi!

John:  I will. :)

Lafayette: Oh! Come home soon alright? We're gonna watch a movie and we don't want you to miss out on it!

John: Should I invite Alex?

Lafayette: Oh, good idea! I'll make popcorn for all of us and some crépes! (Crépes are French dessert)

John: Ooooh! I better hurry or there won't be any left when I arrive!

Lafayette: Hahhah, Merci Mon Ami! (Merci Mon Ami! = Thank you my friend!)

John: Gonna come rn! Bye!

Lafayette: Au revoir! (= Good bye!)

I looked at Alex exited. "Alex, we're gonna go to my dorm and watch a movie with Lafayette and Hercules!"
Alex smiled "Sure, what movie?"
"Um, I don't know, but it's still gonna be great!" I was exited sense it's been a long time sence the four of us have watched a movie together.

"Let's go already! I'll get your stuff cause you're spending the night with us!" Alex looked a little surprised "Well, sure. I'll tell Burr not to wait for me." Alex went to Burr's room and I started packing some clothes for him.

To be honest I'm pretty sure if I pack something that he doesn't want to weird he can always just use some of my clothes. It wouldn't be the first time. We're about the same size.

When Alex came back I was already done. "Let's go!" I said exited. I took Alex's hand and ran to my dorm "Why so fast?" Alex asked. "Lafayette made crépes! He makes the best crépes in the world! I gotta hurry so I won't be left without!" Alex seemed to understand sence he started running faster.

We got to the dorm and bursted in like little kids who haven't been fed all day "Lafayette! Please say there's still some!" I yelled.

I heard him laugh. "I haven't even made all of them yet! Also I would've​waited for you two before letting Hercules eat any." I laughed a little "Well I had to hurry, I didn't wanna miss them! They're just so goooood!"

Hercules was getting some pillows and blankets because we all knew we would probably fall asleep on the couch in a pile like usually.ä after watching a movie.

Usually Lafayette was the first one to wake up and he would always make us something delicious for breakfast.

Hercules would be asleep the longest.

Me and Alex would wake up around the same time. It depends on how much Alex has been staying up late the nights before.

I was so ready for the movie night!

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now