A/N about the updating

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Ok, so I know I haven't updated in a long time and I am really sorry! The truth is, I don't have much time. Let me explain.

My summerjob started a while ago and because the place is far far away it takes about one and a half hour to drive there. Then I'm there from seven hours or more depending when my parents work is done for the day.
Then I have the same one and half hour trip back and I usually try to stay away the first trip and I sleep the second trip.

I also get home late but still wanting to look over what has happened on the internet I use an hour or two there. Then I do my evening routine and get to bed. I usually charge a bit with friends or read a fanfiction.

And yes, I know I could take some of that free time to write and I probably will later. I have already started the next chapter but I just when with whatever came into my mind first so I have to try and think of a clever way to get the situation on going to go somewhat naturally or interestingly or then I have to erase a lot and kind of start from the beginning.

Also some of the days on the week after I come from work my friend wants to hang out with me and no matter how tired I am, I cannot refuse. She is such an amazing person. Also if someone is really willing to use their valuable time on someone like me, I feel like it is my duty to treat them as well as I can. I help her out by taking pictures of her for her Instagram and such.

Also she is one of my only good friends and one of my only friends irl.
Also she is really protective over me and would literally go punch a person if someone was being mean to me even though I won't mind it. She's such a treasure to have as a friend.

Anyways, I am so sorry for the really really long times you have to wait for an update, please try to understand and maybe go read sneer fanfic for the time being.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now