Chapter 2

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I got to my dorm and sighed. Burr looked at me with a questioning look.
"What?" I asked him.

"You do know it isn't normal to come in with a sigh? Wanna tell me what is going on?" Burr said. Maybe I should tell him. I mean it isn't that bad.

"I may or may not have listened to Jefferson's conversation with Madison in the hallway and fallen in my ass in front of them." I explained.

Burr chuckled. "How do you manage to fall in the hallway?"

"There was just cleaned floor and I didn't really pay attention to the wet spot on the floor and I slipped."

"And in front of Jefferson? Man you're unlucky." Burr said. "Tell me about it. Anyways didn't we have to go to the tour of the school?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I got your schedule in case you would come too late. Let's go." Burr said walking past me to the hallway giving me my schedule. I followed him the whole time silently.

When we got to the School we went to our homeroom teacher. Our homeroom teacher was a tall man. We waited till everybody was in the right place and then our teacher started.

"Hello, my name is George Washington and I will be your teacher for the year. I am the English teacher and also the host of debate club. For further information, you can ask me after we're done."

I was now interested in the debate club. I think I'm going to join it.

Washington showed us where the classes are and told us about the teachers a little bit. It was time for the questions and I raised my hand.

"Yes, Hamilton?" Washington said.
"When will we be able to join the club's?" I asked. "It will be in a few days. Everyone will be informed about it in time." Washington answered.

I was in my own thoughts when a felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me to find Burr.

"Hamilton, I assume you haven't bothered I look up your class?" Burr whispered. I was confused at his question. "No, why?" I asked.

Burr handed me a list of names. I began to read them till my eye caught a name I know all too well.

"Wait, Jefferson is in my class?!" I whisper-yelled. "I am afraid so. On the bright side you and I are on the same class and as far as I looked at your schedule we have at least 4 classes together." Burr said.

I was clad I had Burr at least in few of my classes. I mean, maybe Jefferson has only homeroom class with me. I sure hope so.

We got the permission to go to our dorms and it was just 5 pm. I had a lot of time to do what I want. I decided that I would come up with a few debate club ideas and make a debate in both sides so I was ready for it.

At one point I heard a knock on the door and I got up to open the door but then Burr yelled that he would go get it. I went back to my writing until my door was opened.

"John came to see you" Burr informed and left. John came to my room and sat on the bed. I put my stuff away and sat next to him.

"So, you had a good reason to come or you just wanted to spend time with me?" I asked him.

John giggled a little bit. "No, I just wanted to hang out." John said. "Hey, what kind of class to have?" John asked.

I showed John the list of my new classmates names. John looked at it for a while until noticing something.

"You have Jefferson in your class?" John asked. "Yes, unfortunately." I sighed.

"Hey! Lafayette is in your class too!" John said happily. "At least you have a friend too." John smiled.

"Burr is also in my class and he is alsp my friend." I pointed out. "Oh, I didn't notice." John said.

John's phone started to ring and he answered it. "Hello? I'm at Alexander's dorm. Ok!"

John put his phone away. "I got to go soon, Lafayette called me to tell me that they are going to bed soon so I won't come in too loudly." John explained.

"Ok, I think I should go to sleep too." We got up and I walked John to the door. "Good night John." I said.
"Night Alex" John responded.

When he was gone I did my evening routine and went to my desk to continue my writing and eventually I fell asleep on my desk.


I have a plan for the next chapter ready and I'll either write it in a few hours or otherwise soon. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a nice day!  :)

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now