Chapter 10

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I came to with the crêpes and popcorn to see everyone ready. I put them down on the small table in front of the couch. I got the popcorn and some chips and got sodapop for John and Alex, a beer for Hercules and A bit of wine for myself.

I put everything in place and started up the movie sitting between Alex and Hercules. We watched a drama movie and I was devestated when the man didn't see that his lady was a player and choosed her instead of the girl who liked only him.

I remember us all falling asleep during the movie. First one out cold was Alex, he probably had studied without a brake for too long before the movie night.

The next one to fall asleep was John. He fell asleep about half way through the movie and he and Alex tested their heads on each other.

I don't know which one fell asleep first from me and Hercules but I think it might have been me.

As always I was the one waking up first and I carefully got up and cleaned off the table. I went to make some breakfast for the four of us.

I made some croissants and I went out to the one shop I knew always had freshly baked baguettes in the morning.

I got a baguette and headed back home. I ate some of what I had made and waited for the others to wake up.

After a while John got up and Alex woke up to John getting up even though he tried to not wake him up.
The two came to eat some breakfast and they started to chat.

I looked at the clock and it was already 10am so I went to wake Hercules up. I told him to get some breakfast and I watched happily as everyone ate.

We chatted for some time and laughed at some memories of the stupid things we did when we were younger.

Alex got a message and he said He had to go. We said bye to Alex and continued our day normally.


I got a message from an unknown number. It told me to meet them at the little opening in the woods where people sometimes went.

It's a pretty place where people hang out, but it's not that popular. There's usually peaceful and it has a small pond. There's a few rocks next to the pond and usually when you hang out there, you sit in those rocks.

I said I had to go to John, Lafayette and Hercules. I went back to my dorm and got myself a pepper spray.

Yes I know it's usually used by women but it is effective! Also I don't know who I will be meeting so it is smart to have something that they cannot kill me with, but what I can use to defend myself.

I wrote a note to Burr incase something happens. I actually wrote three. One I left in my room if I would be kidnapped, second to my pocket if I was killed and third I left on the kitchen table telling Burr that I was going out and to get worried if I haven't returned in the evening.

I left and started walking to the forest. I was quite nervous of who it might be and decided to not go straight there, but to see who there is waiting for me.

I walked further into the forest and when I got closer I climbed to a tree where I saw the place almost perfectly. I was now waiting to see who would show up.

After some time has passed it was starting to get a little dark and then a person in dark clothing showed up.

I was actually glad that I didn't wait for the person in the opening. He had something in their hand.

They looked around them probably to see if I was there. I wanted to see who it was so I quietly got down from the tree and slowly walked closer without making any sound.

Well, almost. I was in a forest so of course I couldn't walk that quietly. I stepped on a branch that made too much noise and quickly jumped behind the closest tree in the hopes of not being seen.

I tried to listen for footsteps but keeping my heavy breathing quiet made it hard to concentrate.

I moved a little to peek from behind the tree to see if I had alarmed them. I got scared because I didn't see anybody there. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and I probably jumped two meters up.

I turned around fast to see who it is but I didn't see anyone. I then noticed that they had stayed on the other side of the tree and were holding a coffee in front of me.

Maybe he's the mysterious person? It feels wrong to take the coffee like this sence I don't know the person, but come to think of it, it is basically the same thing when I get it from inside my locker.

I hesitated first but I took the coffee. I tasted it a bit and it didn't taste weird. I took my usual sip of it. It was good, they probably have a good taste in coffee too.

I decided this was the time to get some answeres. I leaned my back to the tree and asked "So, you seem to know me. Can I know your name?" I asked curiously.

To be honest I didn't expect them to actually answer me, though I never thaught they would have gone so far as to get themselves a voice changer.

"The name isn't important." They answered simply. Hmmm "Are you a bit or a girl? I am assuming boy, but the way you're dressed I couldn't separate a girl from a guy." They chuckled a little to my comment.
"I am a guy." He answered.

"Are you the person who keeps sending me notes and coffee almost everyday?" I really wanted to know. I am suspecting so but I cannot be completely sure.

He was silent for a while seemingly thinking of what to say. "Yes" he finally answered. "Is there a way we can communicate in the future? You know, it would be nice to get to know the person behind the letters." I said.

"Hmm, we could make a schedule to go leave and come get notes from some secret place?" He pondered. That actually didn't sound all that bad, but I was curious to know who he is.

I have a plan.


Hi! I  have been updating quite frequently lately. I'm not sure how long I will be going this pace but we'll see!

Anyways, I think the story is finally getting started, or, something.

I'll try my best to come up with things that aren't too cliché in the Jamilton fanfics.

When I write I don't want to be too cliché. Like, I do use some clichés but I want that my stories are unique and not like every other fanfic with a small change.

I'm not saying all fanfics are the same but I have noticed too many similarities between different fanfics so I'll try my best to make this one of those that will surprise you and to not be too predictable!

Edit: So! I heard that people couldn't see this chapter and most of you probably just assumed I put the wrong number!  So, I checked and no body had seen it so I re-puplished it and hopefully now you'll be able to read this, I consider this quite important chapter for the story!

Have a nice day!

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now