Chapter 14

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I woke up to my alarm at 8am. I looked at my phone, got the alarm off and went back to sleep knowing my alarm will ring again in 10 Minutes.

I did this because I know I want to feel like I get to sleep a little bit longer then originally planned, but that's just the illusion of it. The truth is I just put my alarm to come a little earlier so I can have the 10 or sometimes 15 minutes of sleep after the first alarm.

After 10 minutes the alarm went off again and I put it out and got up. I did my morning routine and started making some tea and toast. I didn't want to eat too much incase Hamilton didn't eat his breakfast.

I waited for sometime watching whatever was on TV not really caring untill I heard a somewhat loud knock on my door.

I shut off the TV and went to the door. I decided to tease him a little. "Oh my, is it you Madison? I didn't know you'd come back so soon!" I said opening the door and faked being shocked "Hamilton?! Why out of all people have you decided to come here??" I said amused at Hamilton's annoyed face.

"You do know I can just go away if that's what you want." Hamilton said.
I chuckled and pulled him in "nonsense. Be my guest. Would you like something?" I asked him.

"Uh, do you have coffee?" Hamilton asked me. I was more of a tea person myself but Madison likes coffee. "Sure. You want more of the coffee coffee or water or same amount?"

"More of the actual coffee" he answered. I can see he's akward and honestly I don't blame him. I put the coffee thing on and went to sit on the sofa telling Hamilton to come too.

"You wanna watch a movie?" I asked him. "Sure, what movies do you have?" He asked me. "I have every movie Netflix can offer~" I said.

"Alright then. Uhh, how about the Da Vinci-code? I've seen it before but it's a nice movie." He asked.

"Ok? I haven't ever seen it." I said.
"You've never seen Da Vinci-code??" He asked and looked at me like I was an alien. "Um, no..?" I said. By his reaction I have a feeling it's a classic or a really popular movie. "We're going to use the next three hours on this sofa so you better get comfy!" He said and searched it from Netflix finding it and clicking it.

The movie started with a man running dawn a hallway to a bigger room and it seems like he war running from someone. I was actually suspecting something more boring.

We watched the movie and I was really impressed with it. Hamilton didn't lie when he said it was a good movie. It didn't get boring and it was genuinely interesting. It had a lot of mysteries and I am surprised there were so many hidden things about popular painting and such!

I was thinking about how amazing the movie was when I felt Hamilton fall on my lap. Well, I guess he had a long night if he passes out like this and doesn't wake up.

He was actually pretty cute when he was calm. I gently started petting his hair. It was soft and tied back to a ponytail. I started braiding his ponytail but not tying it up so I can braid it again and again in different ways. I braided his hair with three braids and I just tried a few different styles just because I was bored.

After I was done playing with his hair I untangled it so he'll never find out about it. I still slightly pet his head and just studied his face, that was until he started to wake up and yawned. I also yawned because yawn  just work that way.

He looked at me rubbing sleep from his eyes and he looked confused.
"What?" I asked him. He was silent for a while "sence when have I been on your lap..." He asked. "Well you kind of passed out and fell on my lap. Be happy it was my lap and not the armrest of the sofa. I'm pretty sure I'm softer and it won't leave a bruise if you fall on top of me." I said slightly amused by the look on his face. I could tell he was flustered.

He then chuckled "sience when have you cared about my well being?" He said playfully with a small smile. "Well, who would I tease if you hurted yourself badly?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Douche" he answered playfully and punching my arm gently.

"You know you love me~" I said teasingly. "Yea, right." He said.

I decided to say something that he most likely won't get is a joke. "Well, I'm gay if you're gay" I said. I could see the confusion in his face and he just akwardly laughed getting up from my lap. "Um, what?" He asked confused. I just started laughing at his confusion. "You do know gay means happy? I just used it as a joke to see how you'll react!" I said. He laughed a little "Wow, I've never heard anyone use the word gay like that. So old-fashioned." He said refering to the fact gay, like we all know, means a homosexual person instead of happy nowdays. Though I'm pretty sure they're happy to be who they are.

"Are you impressed with my way with words?" I asked. "Very" he responded, still chuckling about the gay thing.


Wow, I actually updated for once.
Are you proud of me for this chapter? :')

Also! I recommend you people watch Da Vinci-code! It is a great movie and even better book! Fun fact. I googled to see how long the movie was and if it is possible to find it on Netflix. If it wouldn't have been able to find in Netflix I would have made them come up with a way to watch it on another way :')

Also I'm actually pretty surprised I came up with such a line. "I'm gay if you're gay" is probably the best line I've ever written so far :')

Anyways, have a nice day! :)

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now