Chapter 15

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I was looking at Hamilton. You gotta admit, he has a pretty face for a guy. I mean, of course my face is better but you get the point.

I think I was staring too long because he started to get uncomfortable. "Um, are you alright? You're kinda staring at me..." He said waiving a hand in front of my face. I decided to tease him because he's cute when he's angry or flustered.

I took his hand and started inching closer to him. He was confused and started to get visibly nervous. "Uh, what are you doing...? Is- Is there something on my face...?" He asked nervously. Cute.

I was now only a few inches from his face staring into his eyes. They were pretty eyes and I was starting to get lost to them. Then I got and idea.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" I asked him, not moving from my spot. "What?" He asked really confused. "You heard me." I said smiling.
"Well, sure?" He said getting away a little so we weren't too close.

"Alright. Truth or dare?" I asked him.
"Dare." He said. "Hmmm. Call Burr and ask him for advise because you have a crush on someone. Put it on speaker so I can hear what he says." I said grinning.

He got his phone out and called Burr putting it on speaker. Burr picked up the class pretty quickly. "Yes, Alexander?" He asked. "Oh, hey Burr. Can you help me with something?" He asked. "What is it? Don't tell me you were in a fight." I almost let out a little chuckle at that but luckily I kept my mouth shut. "No, it's nothing like that. It's just that, I kind of have a crush on this one person and I wanted to ask would you have any advise on how to confront them about it..?" Hamilton said and it sounded real to me even though I made him do this. "Hmm. It depends. If you're close to the person and you know then we'll, you can just go and tell them. If you don't know them well enough, get to know them, become close to them and then tell them you like them. Also don't do anything fancy and don't do it in puplic so they won't be under any more pressure then they already are in the situation. Just go to a park or some other quiet place and tell it to them, just don't make it anything dramatic. It's just a part of life." Wow, Burr actually had pretty good advise. I wonder if he's asked a lot of people.

"Ok, so I'll just tell them while not in puplic and don't made it anything too big. Got it. Thanks Burr!" Hamilton said. He hung up and looked at me. "Truth or dare?" He asked while putting his phone away.

"Dare." I said simply. "Hmm, I dare you to compliment John in some way." He said. I got my phone out until he finished "in person." I silently out my phone back and got up walking to the door. I went down the hallway to John's dorm while Hamilton was beside the door so that when the door opens he will be hidden.

I knocked on the door and heard some footsteps coming to the door. The door was opened by Lafayette. "Thomas? What are you doing here?" He asked surprised. "Oh, hi. Is John here by any chance?" I asked him and he looked at me like I was mad and then slowly walked away after saying "....Let me check." After a while John came to the door. "Jefferson? Why did you want me here?" He asked confused. I took a hold of his shoulder and looked at him straight in the eyes. "I wanted to say, you're an amazing person and you have a nice turtle." He stared at me for some time after blinking and then akwardly got my hand off of him. "Um....okay then. Did you want me here to, uh, say that?"

I saw how akward he was so I decided to end the small weird conversation with a "yes" and then closing the door. I walked back to my dorm Hamilton following me. "Wow, way to make it akward" Hamilton commented.

"Hey, it was your idea to make me compliment him without telling me what to compliment him on!" Hamilton just laughed a little "And you decided to compliment him on his pet turtle? You could've compliment him on his clothes or his drawings but no, you complimented him on his pet turtle! I mean, it is a cute turtle and John loves it a lot but still!"

I decided it was better not to continue the conversation and just continue on the game. "Truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Dare." He answeres "Again?" I asked chuckling. "I'm a daring man!" He says proudly. "True, but it's not always good." I told him. "Maybe, but its more fun" he said.

"Hmm, I dare you to go kiss someone. It can be one of your friends or some stranger on the street or som-" I was cut off by Hamilton kissing me and then pulling away like it never happened. I was just quietly looking at him a little confused. "Hamilton?" I asked him. He looks at me and says "Hey, you were the closest person and I'm too lazy to actually get up and go find someone" he says. Ok that makes sence.

"Alright then." I say little akwardly. I never knew he could kiss well, even though it was a really quick one. "Hey Hamilton" I said. He looks at me waiting for me to say what I want to say. "You know I never said to kiss on the mouth" I say smirking at him. His face gets all flustered and he blushes. "Y- yeah but when you just say to kiss someone, I always assume you mean like an actual kiss!" He says looking away emberrased.

"Awww, hey don't get mad at me. I'm just teasing you~" I say grinning. God he looks so adorable when he's mad
"You don't hate me, do you?~" I say knowing he doesn't, but I just wanna tease him because he's cute.


Ah, not many chapters till I can finish this book and maybe start a Hetalia one!

If any of you are interested in a Hetalia book, would you prefer a story like this or a bunch of one-shots? Also what ships would you like to see? :)

Have a nice day! :)

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now