Chapter 5

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Something fell in front of me startling me in the process. I quickly dried my tears and looked in front of me. There was a necklace tied in a rock.

I got up and took the necklace from the ground looking around to see who threw it. I didn't see anyone so I decided to take it and if someone recognises it I'll return it.

It was a pretty necklace. It had a little gemstone on the silver looking chain. I don't know Gem stoned thatwell but I'd say it's amethyst. It's actually really pretty. I put it on after I checked that it's clean.

I started to walk back to my dorm. When I got there Burr looked worried, he saw me and ran to me. "Where have you been?! I thought you've gotten yourself beaten up or worse dead!" Burr half yelled at me.

"I was on a walk in the park. I wanted my own time so I went to the forest and got lost" Ok I didn't lie to him. I didn't want him to know that I've been crying the whole time!

"Have you been crying? Hamilton is everything alright?" Burr said worried. "Yes I cried. I got a really bad headache and when you're in pain sometimes you start crying" I came up with a pretty good excuse if I do so day myself.

"Do you need medicine for it or did it go away already?" Burr asked. "It went away on its own." I replied. "I'm gonna go to bed now. Good night Burr." I said going to my room hearing a "good night Hamilton" from Burr before I fell to my bed.

I started thinking about what Jefferson had said before. I know I'm rude to him but does he really believe I don't have friends? Do I? I mean, what if they really don't care about me but only want me to help them with essays or homework or something? I know Jefferson probably just wanted to taunt me, but it really hit hard. Of course I won't let him, or anyone else for that matter, know about it. At some point I fell asleep still in my thoughts.

I woke up, did my morning routine and walked to school. I was walking with John, Lafayette and Hercules. Hercules and Lafayette were talking about something, I didn't bother to listen.

John was walking beside me talking about school and his pet turtle and pretty much anything he got in his mind.

I walked and thought why anyone would of wanted to let me know about the necklace. I had it on me at this very moment but it was under my shirt so no one knew about it.

We got to school pretty quickly and I went to my locker. I have no idea what to expect or if I should expect anything at all.

I opened my locker and there was another cup and a note. I took the cup and read the note.

I assume you liked the coffee. I wanted to let you try something else. Today I got you a hot chocolate with cream on top and two candy canes on the side.
I hope you like it. I don really know what you like but I didn't know many people who don't like hot chocolate.

From a mysterious person.

I took a sip of the hot chocolate and it tasted amazing. I decided to try and make a conversation so I wrote a note for this mystery person.

Hello mystery person. I don't know why you do this, but thank you. Also I'm not sure what you're planning but all I know is that I want to know what it is. And I want to know who you are. You seem to know me so why can't I know you? - Alexander Hamilton

I left the note. I know I'm probably gonna get the answers tomorrow, or maybe I could come to school a little earlier so I can watch who puts the notes there. I could also do the breakfast for Burr tomorrow.

The classes went fast and I only thought who it could be. Soon I noticed it's lunch time. I went to do with John, Lafayette and Hercules.

"Hi." I said as I sat next to John.
John smiled as I sat. He showed me a few of his drawings. He's good at drawing. They were mostly turtles and some landscape pictures. They're really good.

Lafayette and Hercules seemed to talk more with each other then with us. I am starting to suspect they maybe have a crush on each other.

I got done with my food so I went to put it away and then went to my next class. I got on with the rest of the day by Jefferson making fun of me and taunting me.

When I finally got away from the class I went to my locker and as expected, there was still my lonely note.

I took my stuff and went to my dorm. When I got there Burr was watching TV and I decided to take a snack. I made myself a toast and ate it in my room. I did my homework and then I started making essays and such.

I only got away from my room to get coffee or a little snack or something.
I worked till I fell asleep on my desk and probably fell to my floor but I was too tired to care.

When I woke up I found that I had a pillow under my head and my covers on me. I guess Burr heard it when I fell to the floor but was too tired or lazy to pick me up to you bed.

I looked at the time and it was pretty early, especially for me. I was awake at half past five. I was tired as hell but I was determined to find out whois the mystery person behind the notes and hot drinks.

I got up and made some pancakes and made enough so that Burr can eat them too. I got ready and got to school. I was now spying my locker. No one had come just yet. There was literally no one here, I waited and Waited until I heard some footsteps.


Ok, so I did leave it here but I'll try to update soon. I hope our liked this Chapter and have a nice day :)

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now