Chapter 8

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I got up and went to make myself some tea and Mac&Cheese.

I actually had my alarm going off really early so I have no hurry in the morning and if I need to sleep I have some time to spend.

Today I actually woke up when my alarm went first off.

I packed my school bag and put on some nice clothes. "Hmm, maybe I can talk about Hamilton with Burr. He won't tell Hamilton and he is the one who most likely doesn't tease me about it.

I took my phone and texted Burr

Jefferson: Hey, Burr. Wanna hang out today in the lunch break?

Burr: What is the catch in this?

Jefferson: Is there supposed to be a catch?

Burr: No, but it is likely to have one.

Jefferson: Fine. I wanna get to know Hamilton, but as you know, he hates me.

Burr: Why me of all people? John, Lafayette and Hercules know him better than me?

Jefferson: Maybe, but you won't tease me as much and if we don't count Lafayette, then you are the one I know the best.

Burr: Well, you do have a point and you did bring Hamilton home last night. Fine, where do we meet?

Jefferson: Thanks Burr. If you have your own lunch with you then maybe outside in at the rocks?

Burr: Sure. See you there.

Jefferson: Thank you. See ya!~

I put my phone away and started walking to school. I was happy that Burr was willing to help me.

I went to get the coffee and then to Hamiltons locker. I put the coffee in and then a not that said simply "Have a nice day and I hope you're alright, I heard you were in a fight."

I went to my class then and waited for lunch. Classes were quite boring like always, but I did what we were given to do.

I studied just to not drop my grades. I didn't need to study much to catch up to others, but it was slower then usually. I just thaught about all the possibilities that could happen when I go to see Burr.

The bell rang telling me it was lunch. I got my stuff quickly and went to put my backbag to my locker, then I went to the rocks near the school and waited for Burr.

I waited for a while and then I soon saw him coming my way. He climbed next to me on top of the rock. I had an apple as my lunch.

"So, you wanted to talk" Burr said. "Well, yeah. Do you think he hates me?" I questioned talking about Hamilton.

"I don't think he hates you, just dislikes a lot." Burr answered.
"Why can't he see that I don't hate him?!" I was a little frustrated.

"Well, you haven't really said anything to him in a while and the last time you were rude like usually." Burr had a point.

"But I don't want him to suspect anything! I mean I don't love him, but I don't hate him! He's nice and I wanna be friends with him but he would take it the wrong way so I think it's just better if I stay the way I am."

I did mean what I said, well, almost. I mean I like him more then a friend, he's my crush. But, if I get the chance I think I would be a little scared to say yes to it. I mean, maybe I'm just not the right one for him?

What if- "Jefferson? Are you alright?" Burr sounded a little concerned. I was brought back from my thoughts and I noticed I haven't blinked for a while so my eyes were quite watery.

"Yea, I'm alright. I was just really deep in my thoughts" I answered. Burr still seemed a bit concerned but didn't say anything. I was clad he wasn't like Lafayette​ who would've bothered me about it till I tell every little detail of it.

The bell rang and I threw the already eaten apple to the trashcan. I said bye to Burr and went back to class. I wasn't really feeling like myself. I do tend to overthink everything.


I woke up in my room. Weird, I don't remember getting to my dorm last night. Burr must've found me and carried me back. I gotta thank him for that.

I got up and I was really sore. I went to the kitchen, there was already breakfast made. On the table there was a note.

"Hamilton, I found you from the streets beaten up so I carried you home. I already informed Washington that you aren't coming to school today. Don't worry, I told him you were sick. Anyways, I made the breakfast at 8 o'clock so depending on the time you wake up, either eat it or warm it up before eating it. -A. Burr"

It was 9 o'clock so I decided to put the food in the microwave first for a while. I ate y breakfast and then went to take a shower. I'm sure Burr has already cleaned the worst wounds but I think it's still a good idea to clean myself.

When I got back I put on some comfy pyjama and went to sit on my bed with my computer and working on a coming school essay. It is supposed to be about two pages long but I'm gonna just write a little more.

We were told it will be counted as a fail if we do it longer than three pages, so I wrote exactly three pages.

I then looked up what are the topics in today's classes and I studied what everyone else studied.

I wondered if the mysterious person who keeps sending me notes and coffee gave me a letter today. Probably, I should tell Burr to get it for me but not to read it.

I took my phone and texted him

Hamilton: Burr, can you bring me my books from my locker and the note if there is one. Please, do not read it if there is a note, alright?

Burr: Alright, I'll bring them when I come home. Do you need anything else?

Hamilton: Nah, I'm good. Thanks!

Burr: No worries, are you alright, not too sore?

Hamilton: A bit sore but not too much. :)

Burr: Good, I'll go to class now. Bye.

Hamilton: Bye.

I put my phone down and sorted on the internet. I would only need to wait about two hours.


Hey! I know it's been a while. I've been busy with tests, drawing and just relaxing too!

I have a little idea on what to do for the next chapter, but it might take a while to write!

Thank you for being so patient and have a nice day!

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now