Chapter 13

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I decided to go get a coffee on my way to the dorm. It wasn't that far away so I could spent some time before going to my dorm.

I walked to the coffee shop and order myself a coffee. After I got the coffee, while walking towards the door I walked into Thomas Jefferson almost spilling my coffee on him.

" Watch it Hamilton!" Jefferson yelled and pushed me out of the way.
"Then don't walk into me! I'm just minding my own business!" I spat at him while putting my coffee on one of the close by tables.

"What are you gonna do, fight me? You don't even have a chance against me" Jefferson said cockyly. "Oh really? You wanna go?!" I said getting ready.

"I only came here for a coffee so I'm not gonna waste my time to someone like you." Jefferson said and went to get his coffee. I left as well.

He's such an idiot! He's rude and he has no reason to say the things he does and yet he does them anyway!

I was really irradiated​ and I decided to go on a walk to the park so calm myself down.

I sat on a bench and looked around me listening to music on my earbuds.
I had closed my eyes and just listened to my music for sometime until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked up at who it is and I was surprised to see Jefferson. I took my earbuds out and stopped my music. I glared at Jefferson and asked "What do you want Jefferson?"

He looked at me displeased "You left your coffee at the coffee shop and I don't want to see good coffee go to waste, I also don't want to drink out of it so I was gonna give it to Madison until I saw you and decided not to give Madison some of your Hamilton germs." Jefferson explained handing the coffee to me.

"You haven't done anything to it have you?" I asked sceptical. I wouldn't be surprised if Jefferson was trying to poison me. "Why would I do anything to coffee? I already said I don't want to see good coffee go to waste!" He said clearly displeased.

"True" I said and took a sip. Good, it wasn't cold yet, a little cooler but not cold. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked him. "No not really. I'm just gonna annoy you here" He said sitting next to me and starting to poke me on my arm.

I got really irritated and just glared at him while angryly sipping my coffee.
"You know you don't look intimidating even when you're angry" Jefferson mocked.

"Jefferson I swear I'm going to murder you in your sleep one of these days" I said with a warning tone. "With a baby face like that no one will believe you." Jefferson said. "That just gi-" I was cut off by Jefferson "But knowing how much you get into fight with your talking I think everyone will know it was you" he said clearly mocking me.

"Did you come here to give me my coffee just so you can annoy me and get yourself killed?" I asked him. "There's no way you'll kill someone like me~" Jefferson said making a face that looks like he is posing for a picture.

"Yea right. That's what you think" I chuckled and punched his arm lightly.
"You know you love my face, I mean, who wouldn't?" He asked smirking.

"Well George loves his own face so I don't think he would." He poured but then he smirked "You didn't deny loving my face~" he said and I chuckled a little bit. I never knew he could be nice person to chat with. As long as we don't talk about serious stuff, I think he can be someone I can manage to be around.

"So, you got anything to do tomorrow? I don't really have anyone to be with tomorrow and as far as I can tell, you can sometimes not be a pain so what do you say?" He asks.

"Hmm, sure. When do you want to meet up and where?" I asked him. He pondered it for a while and then said "Well, you could come to my dorm tomorrow at maybe 9am? I know Madison is going to be on a sleepover with a friend so he will be back at around maybe 5pm so we have plenty of time." I then put an alarm on my phone. "Sure, it's getting late so I'll head to my dorm now. I'll see you tomorrow and thanks for bringing me my coffee." I said to him and walked away while he stayed there. I don't blame him, it's a nice view. The small pond there is beautiful especially now because you can see start from its reflection.

When I got to my dorm Burr came to me "Where have you been this long? It's late! Have you even eaten anything? God you've got me worried!"

Burr could sometimes act like a mum but it's kind of nice having someone worry about your well-being.
"I'm sorry, I got myself a coffee and went to the park. I think I might have dosed off at some point, I'm not sure. I'll be out by 9am tomorrow, I'm gonna hang out with a friend." I said.

"I made dinner already so help yourself and eat well. Then I'd recommend doing your evening routine and going to sleep if you're gonna be out early. I'll be going to bed already. Good night Alexander." He said. "I will, goodnight Burr" I told him as he walked to his room and I went to get some food.

After my evening routine I went to my room and lied on my bed and started thinking. 'Jefferson was really weird today. He's never been nice to me before and today we got along surprisingly well. I hope his not planing on my death for tomorrow. We'll see how it goes' and after that at some point I fell asleep.


Ah, I am so sorry for not updating any sooner! I have not been in the mood to write at all especially sence I am not all that interested in Hamilton anymore. Well, at least to the fandom anymore that much.

I would cancel this story but I do not want to quit due to this being my first story. Also I've kept you waiting long enough for the chapter. Also I have said that I will be doing this, so I am going to keep my word on that because otherwise I'll probably feel like I've disapointed everyone including myself.

I will be trying to get this book to an end as soon as possible without rushing it too much just because I don't want to have two books undone at the same time and I have been thinking of maybe writing a fanfic on Hetalia sence I really like it and feel like I want to write my own share to that fandom.

Thank you for being so patient with me and have a nice day!

Jamilton (Jefferson x Hamilton) Modern college AU [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now