Some fans aren't really fans

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OMG HEY GUYS ! I AM SO FREAKING AND UNBELIEVABLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN FOREVER !! forgive me ?? :( anyway here's an update. finally.


Liam's P.O.V

Life was great now. We were all happy together. No more drama, except for the usual being One Direction stuff that the pap's make up. Juliet finally finished her album and is going to release it pretty soon and should be going on tour also. She's going to be our opening act which is great because we'd all be together and not going on separate tours. Everything just seemed perfect. Our contract for adopting Juliet was going to end soon but we all decided that we want to adopt her for real, we just haven't told her yet because we want to surprise her. Right now we had to meet management and discuss our tour.

"So Jules you excited to go on tour ?" I asked.

"Hell yeah ! I still can't believe it." She said literally bouncing up and down in her seat.

"Just try not to steal our spot light ok ?" Zayn said winking at her while the rest of us laugh.

"I don't think I need to steal it because I already have." she said winking back.

"Sweetie, don't kid yourself." Louis said sassily.

"Whatever Lou."

"Sir, we're here." The limo driver said. We all thanked him before climbing out. Of course, there was a hoard of fans and pap's surrounding us. How the bloody hell do they even know we were coming here ? That's beyond me. When we went inside we immediately were escorted to where the meeting was going to take place.

"Ah, hello One Direction and Juliet. How are you ?" Gavin, our manager asked. (I just made up a name so don't take it too seriously)

"Good and you ?" I spoke for all of us.

"Excellent now that we can finally get started on this whole tour thing."

"Then let's get started." And that's how our whole afternoon went, just talking about the tour.

4 hours later

"Finally ! I thought it would never end !" Niall exclaimed. We all agreed to that.

"Can we get food ? I'm starving." Juliet said.

"I second that." Niall said while raising his hand.

"Yeah me too. Let's get Nando's." Harry suggested. We all just nodded in agreement and got in the car.

When we arrived we put on our disguises and went inside. Once we were seated we ordered immediately because we were just that hungry and we've been here so many times we already knew what we were going to order.

"So how are you and Jaden Jules ?" Harry asked.

"Um, we're ok.." She said vaguely.

"That's it ?"

"Yeah pretty much." She shrugged.

"Come on we're all friends here." Louis said in a girly voice, which made us all chuckle. He sure is something.

"Ugh fine. I honestly don't really know about us. I mean, yeah I love him...I think. It's just hard because he's all the way in LA while I'm here in England plus, I'm going on tour soon with you guys which would make it even more hard. The whole long distance relationship thing is bull to be honest." She explained. We all nodded in understanding because we've all been there and are still there. If it's not easy for us it's definitely not easy for her especially because this is her first long distance relationship or any relationship she's ever been in.

"Well no one says you guys have to be together. I mean if it's this hard on you know then imagine what it would be like on tour. I think you should just take a break from the whole relationship thing and just focus on your career. Jayden will understand." Zayn said. I give props to you Zaynie boy .

" Thanks Zayn. I'll think about it." She said right when our food came.

After we were finished eating we walked outside to the car only to be surrounded by a hundred screaming fans.

"HOW THE HELL DID SURROUND US SO FAST ?!" Louis yelled. No one answered him we just tried to make our way toward the car. Our bodyguards were trying their best but there were only two of them since we didn't think this many people would find us. How wrong we were.

"You stupid slut ! Get the hell away from our husbands." Some girl yelled at Juliet.

"You only want them for their fame, you whore !"

"You're probably sleeping with them just so they could keep you around !"

"No one likes you because you're an ugly bitch !" The girl ended up pulling Juliet's hair which made her scream in return and fall into the sea of girls. We all ran after her and saw some girls trampling and kicking her. That's when I saw red.

"EVERYONE GET THE BLOODY HELL AWAY FROM JULIET !!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Everyone froze.

"how DARE you !! You guys aren't fans at all ! I am so very disappointed in ALL OF YOU ! Now everyone get the hell away from her right this minute ! " I yelled. Everyone immediately moved back and put their heads down in shame. Good. We all rush over to Juliet and pick her up. She has a little bit of blood coming out of her mouth and is starting to get a black eye and I see a couple other bruises on her body but other than that it doesn't seem too serious.

"Look at what you guys have done. Everyone just get out of our faces. NOW !" Louis yelled. We were all extremely pissed.

"Louis. It's ok. I'm fine." Juliet said weakly. She looks like she's about to pass out any minute.

"It's not fine Juliet ! Look at you ! You can barely keep your eyes open ! We're taking you to the hospital." He said while opening the limo door helping me put her gently. We all got in and told the driver to go to the hospital. Juliet passed out as soon as she was placed in the car.

"I can not BELIEVE what they said and did to Juliet !!" Harry whispered/ yelled.

"I'm just at lost for words. How could they ?" Niall said who looked like he was about to cry. He's not the only one. I felt so bad and angered about what they did and said to her. She didn't deserve this. We finally made it to the hospital and turns out she has a slight concussion and just some bruises but that's it. Thank God. The doctor gave her some pain pills and then we were free to go.

"See you guys mad a big deal out of something little." she said.

"No we didn't Juliet. We care about your safety and well being. What those girls did was unacceptable." I said. I was still really pissed off.

"Listen you guys. I'm ok with your fans hating me and telling those comments. I admit what they did was messed up and there's nothing I can do about it but get over it. So can you guys." wow who would've thought this was the same Juliet we first met.

"I'm proud of you Jules." Harry took the words right out of my mouth. She hugged us all and walked back to the limo.

"Wow. Who would've thought." Louis said.We all agreed and followed Juliet. Today was interesting.


ok nothing really happened here but I hope you guys liked it... I'm really sorry but I tried my best with this chapter :/ I'll try to come up with something better tomorrow I promise. Sorry again :(

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