First Day of School

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Huh... what's that noise...?

"Aisha. Aisha. Aisha. Aisha. AISHA!!"

Groaning, I feel two small bodies bouncing on me.

"It's time to get up" says one of the small lumps.

"Yeah. Mumma Wolf said" agrees the other.

"Alright, alright," I say. "Just get off me you stupid cubs."

Glad they have finally got their way, my two brothers jump off and hurtle downstairs. Both the boys were born as lion cubs, which in itself is a rare occurrence. The big cats are hardly ever born into families. The reason for this though is because my dad (step-dad really but I'm not picky. He raised me from when I was young) is a lion also.

Groaning I stretch, lifting my butt into the air and arching my back, feeling all my bones click and crack. Yawning widely I spring down from my bed and pad downstairs. Smiling slightly, I walk up to my mum, and give her a big hug, gently scratching her ears.

"Hey Mumma Wolf" I say. If you can't guess, my mum is a wolf. This makes her extremely loyal and protective over her family.

"How you doing my baby?" she asks. "Ready for school?"

"I'm doing ok... WAIT! Did you say school?!?! Ahh shit!"

"Language!" she reprimands.

"Sorry" I yell, "but I'm going to be late!" Running around her, I fly up the stairs, rushing into my room. That's when I realise my sister, Annalise, was still in bed.

"ANNALISE!!" I screech. Startled she shoots out from under the covers, her ears all a quiver. Annalise is part wolf also, inherited from our mother, but Anni is a white wolf whereas Mumma is a black/brown one.

"We're gonna be late for school if we don't hurry!" I say. Startled Annalise jumps up and runs downstairs, already fully dressed for some bizarre reason. Quickly I pull on some jeans, and slip on a green t-shirt. Leaving my hair the way it is, but slipping on a grey beanie, I slink downstairs, carefully avoiding the tangled mess of the boys. Slipping on a pair of green converses, I begin to brush my teeth, waiting for Annalise.

Five minutes later, Annalise walks out from the kitchen, carrying both our lunches. Shoving mine into my bag, I yell a goodbye into the house and leave at a run. Shooting down the drive I head to my school, skipping and dancing, and trying not to become distracted by the leaves flowing in the wind. Stopping at the gates I look up at our school, and feel nervous as to what may be waiting inside. Taking a deep breath, I take the first step inside.

The only thought running through my mind is "I need to find the guys, I need to find the guys, I need to find the guys, I need to..."

"Hey guys! Look who it is" says a voice behind.

Just keep walking.

"Aww look. It's the ickle baby kitty cat. Can you hear me you pussy?! Or is that too difficult for you??"

Sighing I turn. "What do you want Karlos?"

"Oh she does talk" he says, "I don't want anything, just inquiring how the most pathetic hybrid is doing."

"I'm not pathetic!" I hiss.

"You are too! Runt of the litter, you barely even qualify as a hybrid."

"I'm going to find my group" I declare. I don't need to hear this. Running quickly I escape the laughter behind me. I know there is only one person who can help me now.

"Sophie!" I cry, throwing myself at her.

"Woah" she says. "Aisha, what's up?"

"Nothing. Just kids being mean. And I missed you. All of you," I say, turning to the rest of the group. I know Sophie doesn't believe me, but I am too busy saying my greetings to the others to care. Crawling over to Chelsea, I give her a hug and a quick scratch behind the ears, and then do the same with Kate. Chelsea is part black retriever, and Kate is part brown tabby. Turning to Christina, I hug her also and bat her fluffy tail. She is part squirrel. Emma next, and gently I stroke her ears, careful not to to scare her as I am a rather energetic hybrid, and as a rabbit, Emma can get a little frightened. Finally Neelam, giving her a hug also. Neelam is part panther. Crawling back to Sophie again, who is part bear, I sigh and lean against her.

"So," I ask, "How are you lot?" I get a whole chorus of "goods" before Sophie again asks me again.

"What's up?"

Sighing I know I will have to tell them.

"They were making fun of me again. Cause I'm not normal!"

"You are normal" says Chelsea.

"Thanks sunshine," I say, "but we all know I'm not. The animal I merged with didn't happen right and so I was born with only sharp teeth, reflexes and cat eyes. You know that."

"But don't forget, you could always grow into the rest. You know that also!" she replies.

"I know, I know." I say, and then sigh again.

"Come on now" says Sophie. "I bet you will grow into your animal side, and it will be something crazy like a tiger!"

There hasn't been a recorded birth of a tiger in over three hundred years. No one even knows if it truly exists or if it is just a myth.

Laughing I give Sophie another hug, and then flop onto my back in the middle of the group, feet and arms tucked in. Smiling and giggling along with me, everyone else flings themselves on top of me, making me gasp for air. We may be a band of misfits, but they're my misfits, and I'm theirs.

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