Down the Deep, Dark Passage.

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Niall's POV

The bookcase snapped back into place and immediately the room was thrown into darkness. Instantly I can feel Aisha's anxiety skyrocket. 

"No no no no." I hear her mutter. 

"What's up Aisha?" calls back Zayn.

"Shit I forgot!" says Sophie suddenly, startling us all. "Aisha is absolutely terrified of the dark and small spaces."

"Yeah. You got that right." says Aisha, sounding surprisingly breathless. "Just. The dark. And all the walls. They're pressing on me!"

"Wait did you say the dark?" asks Emma sounding confused. "It's not dark."

"Umm.. yeah it is Emma. I am waving my hand in front of my face and I can't see it." replies Harry.

"Aisha, can you move towards Niall?" queries Liam.

"No. I can't see anything.. did you guys hear that?" she sounds utterly petrified.

"There is nothing there Aisha, I promise." replies Christina.

"Alright. Emma, can you go and get Aisha and take her to Niall since you are the only one who appears to be able to see in this insane darkness." says Liam, tactical as always.

"Of course." and we all hear Emma head to Aisha, and the next thing I know a small hand grabs mine and places it on someone's shoulder.

"Thanks Emma." I say.

"It's ok." she says and that's when I realise I can see her eyes glowing orange. I smirk at her knowing she can see me.

"Alright Niall if you could.." 

"I know what to do Liam." I say interrupting him. Quickly I focus on sending out calming energies. Instantly Aisha's anxiety seems to leave a little, and I smile to myself. But unfortunately everytime I try to stop Aisha begins freaking out all over again.

"Chelsea?" I question over my shoulder. "Where are you?"

"Right next to you I think.. Emma am I near Niall?"

"Put out your right hand and then move right." orders Emma. Quickly I feel a hand come into contact with my shoulder.

"Got you." says Chelsea with a giggle. I smile, although I know she can't see me.

"Can you help me maintain enough energy to keep this calming energy up?" I ask, concerned my energy will give way soon.

"I can try." she replies tightening her grip on my shoulder. A sudden rush of energy runs into me and I know she has succeeded.

"Thank you." I say with a sigh. "But guys, we need to find a way out of this darkness before my energy runs out."

"Alright." says Liam taking charge. "Emma, would you be able to have a look around and see if there is any way of lighting up this passage?"

"Of course." says Emma softly. Faintly I can hear her padding off, but I remain focused on the task I have to do. Mine and Chelsea's energies are slowly being depleted.

"I'm sorry guys." says Aisha, while she is still calm. "It's just as soon as the dark comes I start freaking out and no matter how much I tell myself I am not in danger I can not think rationally."

"Yeah I remember when we had that sleep over, and you made us leave the light on. That's how I knew you were scared of the dark." says Sophie.

"Ugh I feel like such a child. I mean who is scared of the dark at seventeen!" she snaps, sounding frustrated.

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