Surviving Defense.

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As I tentatively walk over to the teacher she is looking at me like she really wants to eat me.

"Alright Aleisha. I have a note from the principal asking if you are sure you wish to continue taking Defense. I already replied that you would since you aren't a wuss, but he wants you to sign that you are ok with this. Can you do that?" She is talking to me like I am stupid, and it's beginning to annoy me.

"Ya know, I may be a defect, but I'm not stupid! I chose this class for a reason and I'm not backing out. I am sick of people like you assuming I can't do anything at all, and for constantly underestimating me. And for the THIRD time, my name is AISHA!!" by this point I am yelling at her. Silence has settled around me, but all I'm focused on is the teacher. She is staring at me in utter bewilderment.

"Did.. did you know your eyes glow red?" she stammers out.

"Yes, I did. I have been told.. Now where is this thing to sign?" Hastily she places a sheet in front of me and a pen. Quickly signing, I look over at her and smile.

"Thank you for your time," I sass out, before returning to my seat and sitting down.

"Alright class. GET BACK TO WORK ALREADY!" she screeches at us, obviously embarrassed. Smirking I fix my beanie, and pull my ball of wool out of bag. I love this thing! I'm assuming it's a feline habit, but I always love tangling it in my fingers. I would bat it around the room, but it isn't exactly appropriate here.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Louis, Louis, LOUIS! She has a ball of wool! Like it's so cool and fluffy, and yarny. Can we go say hi? Please pleeeaassee!!!"

"Alright, alright Harry, go say hi... but wait for mee!"

Looking up in shock, I see two large bodies barreling towards me.

"Woah, woah, WOAH." I say. "Just stop right there cupcakes. I am not getting bombarded by two sweaty, smelly and testosterone filled boys. Now behave like the good children I know you are, back up and introduce yourselves."

"I think you may have a run for you money about being the sass master Lou" says Curly. "So I'm Harry and this here is.."

"I'm Louis!" he yells, interrupting Harry.

"Inside voice Louis" I tell him. "Now what is it you boys want?"

"Weelll..." says Louis. "Haz here was wondering if.."

"...we could join your group" finishes Harry.

"Ok first off, aww you guys are so cute finishing each other's sentences, second I know you only want my yarn, third I don't have a group and finally, even if I did, you wouldn't want to join it." 

"Ooh we're playing this game are we?" exclaims Louis. "Okay okay. One only Harry wants your yarn, two I'M NOT CUTE! Three why don't you have a group and four why wouldn't we want to join it?"

"Ugh. I'm really not having a conversation like this with two boys I've just met."

"Okay how about this. We tell you one thing about ourselves and you answer our questions." suggests Harry

" Alright" I say, trusting them for some strange reason.

"Woo!" shrieks Louis. "Okay me first, me first. Please please!!"

"Jeez, alright Boo. You can go first." says Harry exasperated.

"Yay ok. Uhh.. so. My name is Louis William Tomlinson. I'm eighteen years old, and a cheetah hybrid. I'm taking drama this year with some guy called Mr Walker, and I often get asked if there is something wrong with me.. alright. Answer a question now!" he demands.

"Jeez ok" I say, shocked he could be so demanding. "The reason I have no group is because I have no friends in my class because I didn't tell them I was taking this class."

"Hmm ok. My turn then, I suppose." says Harry. "I'm called Harry Edward Styles, I'm seventeen. Louis is my best friend and I am a cat hybrid. My nicknames include Haz or Hazza and I have Hybrid History after this class. Ok. Answer the next question, but also tells us something about yourself."

"Fine. My name is Aisha Louise Taylor. I am seventeen also. As you can see I have ginger hair and green eyes. When I was born something went wrong, or so they say and so I was born not fully bonded to my animal half. This means they are unable to determine what hybrid I am, other than some sort of feline. Due to being a defect, Karlos over there, the rat, hates me. He loves pointing out I'm not a proper hybrid. He also tries to stop anyone who talks to me from befriending me, so the reason you wouldn't want to be in my group is because he may harm you, to get at me." Once I finish I stare at my hands, that are playing with the yarn, knowing I just lost two potential friends. At least class will be over soon.

Louis' POV

Looking at the girl in front of me, I am shocked to realise she expects us to leave. Glancing quickly at Harry, I realise he has the same shocked look as me painted on his face. A look of determination crosses my face and Harry gives a grin in return. Looks like we're gonna become her friend. Carefully I reach out to pull off her hat.

Aisha's POV

Startled I can feel a hand on my head, and before I have time to fully realise this, my beanie is taken. Turning I grab back the hat, hissing at the thief, which happens to be Louis.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I snap.

"Well I wanted to get your attention is all. And to let you know that we are gonna take the "risk" as you put it and be your friends." says Louis beaming.

"And as your friend," says Harry, "I think I should inform you that when you are angry your eyes glow, like bright red. It's really weird and odd."

"I know. But you guys shouldn't get to know me. You are both funny, charismatic, intelligent and handsome. You could be a popular person."

"Oh dear." says Louis, shaking his head looking sad. "You don't get it do you. You have no say in this decision. We are your friends. End of."

"Alright, alright" I say laughing. "It's your funeral."

"Yay!!" shouts Louis, before jumping on top of me.

"Oh my god Louis. Get off! You're squashing me!"

Laughing Harry plucks Lou off me, and holds him against his chest. Looking up at the two, I realise something is going on between my new friends.

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal, like a fan girl. "You two are.. awww. That's so cute!" Blushing both boys look down at me, an expression of confusion crossing their faces.

"How did you guess?" queries Harry. "No one has before."

"I dunno." I reply, "I could just sense it. It's the way you look at each other, like they're the most important person in the world. And all the little things you do, like wrapping your tail around each other, and finishing each other's sentences. But I won't tell anyone that you two are together."

"Thank you." says Harry. "We are trying to settle into the school first before bringing that out." Smiling at each other they settle down, with Louis leaning against Harry. Holding back a squeal, I smile widely at them before going back to my wool.


"Ok. What do you boys have next?" I ask.

"Uhh.. we both have Hybrid History, and the Magic Behind."

"Oh same as me. Come on then." I say, standing up. Suddenly I am scooped up and plonked on someone's shoulder. Looking up a little, I realise it's Louis.

"Loouuiiisss" I whinge. "Put me dooowwnn!"

"Nu uh." he says.

"Alright then." I say taking this in my stride. "Lead on my noble steed." And that's how we left defense to go to our next class.

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