Through the Door

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Harry's POV

Sophie just flung open the door to the mysterious room and at the moment we are tiptoeing through an extremely dark room that smells like must and old metal. Suddenly a small body collides with me, and shocked I just throw my hands in the air while the person buries their face in my chest.

"Uh..." is the oh so intelligent thing I say.

"What's wrong Harreh?" asks Louis.

"I have a small person on me." I state, still really unsure who it is.

"Hang on." is all I hear before I see a sudden glowing hand. As the hand (Louis) comes closer to me, I peer down and am met with ginger hair.

"What ya doing?" I whisper in Aisha's ear and putting my arms around her.

"Umm.. nothing." she squeaks. "Totally not hiding in your chest with my eyes closed so that I can pretend it isn't dark. Yep, not that."

"Louis.." I whinge.

"What Harry?" he whinges back, completely mocking me.

"Just turn on the goddamn lights in here." I snap at him, not impressed with his mocking.

"Jeez alright." The lights flicker on above us and I peer upward, and feel my mouth drop open. What I had assumed to be actual lights, like light bulbs, was in fact just a glowing ceiling. 

"How is that possible?" I ask shocked.

"It's like made of some type of gem. I'm not really sure." replies Lou, with a shrug. "Oh, and Aisha... let go of my boyfriend." 

"Sorry." she squeaks again, catapulting herself off me. 

"I mean if you wanted to borrow him, you just had to ask. I was taught to share you know."

"Eww no thanks."

"Hey!" I shout indignantly, but they both ignore me.

"I like him." says Louis, with a smirk.

"I like him too." says Aisha passionately. "Just absolutely not like that. That would be too weird." And with a shudder, that demon of a girl leaves to catch up to Sophie. I just stand there with my arms folded, and a pout on my face.

"I'm kinda relieved about that." Louis muses, staring after her. I decide to have a little fun.

" OH MY GOD!" I shriek like a fangirl, making Lou jump about five feet in the air.

"Jesus! What was that for Harry?" 

"You were staring at her butt!" I yell.

"Keep it quiet." he hisses, covering my mouth with his hand. Bad idea. Quickly I stick my tongue out and lick his hand.

"Ewwww!" he cries, wiping his hand on his trouser leg. "That is so gross!"

"Lou, you've had my tongue in your mouth, you can't say that is gross." I reply deadpanned.

"Yeah.. well.. that's different!" he splutters out, turning slightly pink under my scrutiny. "And I was NOT checking out her butt! She is like a sister to me. That would be weird."

"So cute." I mutter.

"What?" he asks, cocking his head to the side and peering at me confused.

"I said." I state, as I pull him close to me. "So cute." 

"What is?" he asks, staring up at me, his blue eyes glowing from the light above.

"You." I breathe, before leaning in for a kiss. Every time I kiss this boy, I fall in love with him all over again. Our lips fit perfectly together and on his I can taste the slight flavour of mint. Reaching out one hand, I cradle his face, while the other wraps around his waist. I can feel his hands in my hair, and I pull him closer. My tongue outlines his bottom lip, and after a bit of stubborness, he finally opens his mouth to me. Our tongues do a dance, before I finally win. With a smirk I swipe my tongue around his mouth, tasting the uniqueness I associate with him.  Finally I pull away. Opening my eyes, I lean my forehead on his.

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