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Aisha's POV

Walking down the hallway I glance at Will who is laughing and joking with the group. I know they sense what I do; he belongs with us. A sudden thought makes me glance at Louis. Jerking his head up a little I know he wants to talk. I slow down, doing it so carefully that no one even notices I drop back. Carrying on my way I feel the moment Louis appears next to me. I wait, knowing he will tell me what he wants. Suddenly he explodes with voice. 

"How do you know Will? You acted like you didn't know him and now you do? Where are we going? Why do we have to hurry? Why do I feel like there is something you aren't telling us? Why am I getting these weird visions? And... why do I feel like we once were more than friends? I had never met you before the first day of school!" by this point Louis is panting slightly and whisper screaming at me. He eventually runs out of words and just waves his hands over his head in an effort to explain his bewilderment of the whole situation. Shocked I stare at him. I hadn't realised he was thinking so much.  

"I'm sorry." I say to him, and he just looks at me like I am mildly insane. It's then that I realise he didn't actually accuse me of anything. My own conscience has just made me interpret his meaning as though he had. Worried I look down. He can't know anything yet! Not yet. I feel my eyes widen as I realise I'm going to have to tell him. I'll have to tell them all! All the secrets. Plus about Will. And I need to tell him and test him and figure out if it is true. My breath starts coming in short pants and I can feel my tail whipping around behind me. Shit. I am so out of my depth. How could I hide this? But I couldn't tell them. And Azrael. He told me not to say anything. But what if they all hate me? Then what? Crap I bet they have all been talking about it. Maybe that's why I haven't spoken to them as much. They don't want to talk to me. They all hate me. They figured out I was hiding something. So they stopped talking to me. And I mean I haven't been helping. Plus I lied to their face. I bet they know. Fuck everything is ruined. Now what am I going to do??? 

My internal dialogue is interrupted by a cool hand resting on my forehead. Calmness and serenity radiates through my body. Slowly my awareness returns to me, and I realise I am leaning against Louis. Niall is standing over me, his hand still on my forehead. My ears pin back and I glance around. Luckily none of the other members of the circle saw my meltdown. Niall's forehead is slightly wrinkled and I know he is worried. 

"Sorry." I say, before I try to move away. I say try because Niall keeps his hand pressed to my head and Louis holds me tightly.

"What?" I say flippantly. I know precisely what is up.

"What was that Aisha?" asks Niall. "I could sense you all the way down the hall. I came running back and find you standing there with poor Louis looking at you in despair.  Your eyes were glowing almost BLACK! And the emotions coming off you! Fuck. That was insane. Every bad emotion I could imagine feeling and they were coming off you! What were you thinking?"

"Umm.." I reply because honestly that is the only response I can give. I know exactly what I was thinking but I'm not going to tell him.  I completely forgot all my coping mechanisms I've built up over the years. I haven't had a panic attack like that in years. I am unaware of the fact I am going off into my own world again. It isn't until Louis gives me a small shake that I snap back to them. 

"What?" I question again. 

"You are being weird." says Louis.

"When am I not?" I reply with a laugh. With that I firmly move myself away from the boys. Looking at Louis, I realise I know a way to test Will. 

"Louis?" I ask him, then on his hum I continue. "Can you please go to our hideaway and grap my bow. I need it for an experiment." Lou looks as though he is going to question me, but obviously thinks better of it. I smile at him and he speeds off. With a sigh I turn to follow the others, the smile sliding off my face. There is so much to do... A sudden hand grabs my elbow and I am brought up short. Turning slightly I see Niall there and I bring my smile back again.

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