The Stand Off

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"You don't have to go if you don't want to." says Sophie frantically, whilst Louis sits behind her nodding his head.

"No" I reply. "I want to do this." Getting up I weave around everyone.

"This should be fun." says Karlos, slamming his shoulder into my back. Stumbling to the chair, I stand in front instead of sitting on it.

"Alright guys. You know what to do. Aisha if you would sit down please."

"No thank you." I reply to the teacher. "I would prefer to stand."

"It doesn't matter" says Karlos. "I'll just make her sit instead." Standing directly in front of me, Karlos looks down his nose, an expression of disdain on his face. "I will control you."

Looking up into his face, I am shocked to realise I am not worried. I watch him take a breath in and then he opens his mouth.

"Sit!" he says. In the class I only see a few people shiver. His command is nowhere near as strong as Liam's and it has no effect on me.

"No." I say, staring him in the eyes. Around us I can hear a murmur, but I focus on Karlos only.

"Sit!!" he says more forcefully, and I see a few of the lower animals shoot down, but again I feel nothing.

"No." I say again.

"AJ. Amber. Help" he says, without looking away from me. AJ stands up and comes to stand next to Karlos. Amber goes up to Miss Raven and whispers something in her ear. Due to Amber being a fox, this means Miss must do what she says, which I believe was to be quiet.

Turning my attention back to Karlos and AJ, I quickly gesture at my friends to stay put as they had already stood up. Together both the boys take a deep breath in.

"Sit!" they command together. Around the room I see more hybrids sit down, including Emma, Christina and Kate.

"No." I state again. Taking a step towards him, I lean in. "You can NOT make me sit."  

Suddenly Karlos loses control and grabs me by my throat, pushing me against the wall. I can feel that everyone who has not been commanded to sit has shot up and are starting their way over. But as soon as Karlos grabbed me I felt something move inside me. A feeling of power washes over me.

"Stop." I say, and as if by magic, everyone does. Turning my attention back to Karlos, I give him another command. "Let go of me Karlos, and walk back."

Immediately Karlos does so. As I step towards him, he backs up until his legs hit the chair. Looking up at him, I sneer, before leaning in.

"Now SIT!" I hiss, power rolling off my voice. Shocked Karlos does so. Turning to everyone I face them. I feel as though something is working through me, yet at the same time I never felt more myself or more in control.

"Sit." I snarl at AJ and he does so. But this time, I lose a little of the control I possessed and let my command spread over everyone accidentally. Everyone's eyes widen and simultaneously everyone sits. Shocked I look at everyone.

"...I did that...?" I think. "What have I done??"

Horrified I stare around the room, before beginning to shake.

"I.. I'm s-sorry." I stutter out, before turning and running from the room. I need to leave!

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