What now?

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Liam's POV

Shocked we all stare at Aisha as she runs from the room. I may have only just met her, but I do know that isn't how she normally acts. The way she looked at Karlos was... terrifying. Her eyes glowed white, but at the same time there was something cold about them. And when she snarled at him, all my hairs stood on end. There was nothing humane about her expression then, it was more feral. But when she turned to look at us, it seemed as though she was finally whole.. that is until she freaked out. 

"What are we going to do?" I hear Louis ask.

"That was INCREDIBLE!" says the cat hybrid.. Kate I think.

"What do we do?" asks Chelsea. Everyone stops to think. 

"I'm not sure." replies Sophie. "But what I do know is she freaked out and probably needs us. So we need to find her. Does everyone have each other's numbers? Cause I think we should split up and look for her. Ok?"

"Ok." choruses everyone, before we begin exchanging numbers.

After we have done that, we set off in different directions. 

"Don't forget to look up!" yells Sophie as we leave. I hope we find Aisha soon.

Aisha's POV

As I leave the room, the only thing running through my mind is, "what the hell is wrong with me!" Automatically my feet take me along a path I often tread, taking me to my favourite place in the school. Reaching the small glen, I take a moment to enjoy the peace before hastily climbing the tree. Breathing deeply, I relax as I embrace the serenity this place brings.

Unfortunately my mind turns back to what happened in the classroom. What I did there should not have been possible.. how the hell did it happen?! No one should have been able to do what I did, yet a defect hybrid did.

"Maybe I'm dreaming" I think, before turning around and punching the tree trunk hard.

"Oww!" I screech. "Ok, I'm definitely awake." Shaking my hand, which is beginning to ache, I whimper as I realise I have no idea what to do.

Neelam's POV (A/N hehehe)

As we are looking for Aisha, I try to ignore the dark haired boy who is next to me. All he has done is carry himself around as though he is the most mysterious person in existence. And seriously?! He just HAD to be a panther didn't he. I don't know why but for some reason everything he does seems to me to be extremely annoying.

As I grumble to myself, I don't realise Zayn has stopped, and so obviously I walk straight into him.

"Watch it!" I snap.

"You were the one who walked into me!" he snaps back. "Now if you be quiet, I may be able to hear what I heard before." Silently we both listen for a noise. Just as I am about to ask him a question, I hear it. A small whimper comes from the tree above us. Looking up I catch a glimpse of jean and green.

"It's her." I breathe.

"No shit!" says Zayne. "Don't you think you should phone the others?"

Giving him a death glare, I stalk off to phone the others.

"Arrogant, smartarse dickhead" I mutter, before ringing Sophie. I hope they get here soon.

Aisha's POV

Suddenly I hear a noise behind me. Silently I stand up and run to the end of the branch, leaping into the next tree, easily landing on one of the branches.

"Christina would be proud of me." I think. She did teach me how to do that.

Peering down to the forest floor, I am surprised to see Neelam on the phone but that's it. As I am contemplating calling down to her, I am suddenly grabbed by an unknown person. Before I even have time to fight, I am bundled up and held against their chest as they suddenly jump higher up the tree. Reaching a wider branch, I am thrust out and held much as you would a baby. My own green eyes meet some very dark ones and I am surprised to see it's Zayn. Gently placing me down, he folds his legs and sits on the branch.

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