Aisha's POV

I arrive to class before everyone else. Looking around I walk up to the cage that is erected in the middle of the room. 

*One day* I think. *One day I will have my turn in the cage.* A sudden call behind me makes me turn, and I see Louis and Harry walking towards me.

"Aisha!" yells Louis, pulling me in for a hug. I have to hold back a whimper as he hits my bad hand, but hug him back all the same. He pushes me away from him, holding me at arms length. Harry peers over his shoulder at him and I have to smile at the image the two of them make.

"Did you fix it?" asks Louis his blue eyes covered in seriousness and concern.

"Scilicet Constitui, non Latine sed." I reply watching his ears droop a little and I stifle a laugh. I pretty much said: Of course I fixed it, but you can't understand Latin. A sudden laugh makes me peer at Harry. He is laughing really hard and both Lou and I turn to peer at him. I tilt my head on one side and look at him confused. Finally Harry gets control of himself, and he grins up at me, from where he fell on the floor.

"Latine loqui inferiore nesciebas. Ludovicus sic trahere commodo gestio. Miser." (I bet you didn't know I speak Latin. Interesting way to pull a joke on Louis. Poor boy.) he says cheekily. Shocked my mouth hangs open and I just stare at him. 

"Close your mouth Aisha, you're catching flies." he says with a smile. Snapping my mouth closed I glare at him, but he only laughs in return. Looking at Louis I see he looks so confused, so I take pity on him.

"I fixed it Louis." I say with a small sigh. He just looks at me, then I see understanding bloom on his face. Then he glares at me, before turning away, his nose in the air. That boy is more of a drama queen than I am!

"Looouuiiiss..." I whinge behind him, but the boy just ignores me. Carefully I slide around him ending up directly in front of him. I have to look up slightly to look into his eyes, but his are carefully blank. 

"You suck." I mutter, a pout on my face. Folding my arms I sit on the floor. Harry looks down at me in amusement and I just poke my tongue out at him. Louis is looking at the ceiling. I fold my arms harder at this, then let out a hiss as I hit my hand.

"What?" asks Harry. Louis looks down worried and my eyes meet his. I'm not sure what he sees, but his face softens and he finally sits beside me.

"Don't do that again." he says gruffly. 

"I won't!" I say shaking my head emphatically. Harry sits on my other side and I turn slightly to lean on Louis, putting my feet in Harry's lap. We still have ten minutes until class starts. Suddenly Lou moves. Luckily my hand was resting on the ground so it isn't affected by his movement. 

"Aisha. We got you something." he says reaching into his school bag. He pulls out a muffin and something in a flask. 

"I'm not hungry thank you." I say politely, because it is true. I don't eat breakfast if I can help it because I always feel nauseated if I do so.

"I know." he says with a sweet smile on his face. This can't be good!

"The thing is." says Harry carrying on. They are freaking doing good cop bad cop! "Sophie said you have to eat. She's stubborn that one." 

"And this is coffee." Louis states with a cheeky smile on his face. He shakes the flask at me, and I quickly reach out and snatch it off him. Coffee is my addiction. Smiling widely I drink the flask using my left hand. I can see Harry frowning at me, I know he notices something. Quickly I change the attention. 

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