The Next Day... dun dun duunn.

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Aisha's POV

Distantly I can hear a sound echoing in the confines of my mind. Slowly I surface from the fog of sleep. Opening my eyes, I realise I am still in my bed and some idiot is knocking on my door like their life depends on it.

"What?" I croak out, my voice rusty from lack of use. Unfortunately the knocking continues. Furious, I storm to the door, before flinging it open. The person falls awkwardly to the floor and I take a step backwards to avoid being squashed by the person. A mop of blondie brown hair and spread limbs is sprawled across my floor. Louis.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him, heading back to bed.

"I came to find you." he says.

"That's wonderful, and congratulations on finding me, but can you leave now." I settle down in bed. I really need more sleep.

"Nope." he says, before running and jumping on the bed and therefore me in the process.

"Ugh, get off you lump!" I groan before turning to peer at him. His bright blue eyes peer into my green ones and we have a mini stare off before he looks away.


"Yeah" he looks at me again. I stare into his eyes hard, before whispering to him

"Sleep." and immediately he does so. Slumped on my bed he looks so much younger. Thank goodness he stopped that God awful noise. And I drift off to sleep again.

Sophie's POV

I'm nervous. Why am I so nervous?! I mean it's just Aisha. Ugh. Ok, I can do this. Hesitantly I walk up to the door and knock. Almost instantly the door is thrown open and Bella is standing there.

"Hey Sophie." she says with a smile.

"Hey." I say back.

"You here to see Aisha?"

"Yeah. She set up a meeting for all of us, but I think I'm early." 

"Ah. Well you aren't the only one early then. And thanks for telling me there will be more, my daughter forgot to tell me." she says, looking annoyed.

"Umm.. ok then. Thank you." I say. "I'll just head up to her room."


Walking up, I admire the house, before I reach Aisha's door. Opening the door quietly, I walk in. Aisha is lying sprawled on the bed, curled around a pillow and gently making soft snuffling noises. Surprisingly though is the fact there is also a boy in the bed, curled up right next to Aisha. Tip toeing over, I decided I'm going to have some fun. Looking down at her, I realise she looks so cute and innocent..

"AISHA!!! TIME TO GET UP!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Shocked Aisha's eyes fly open, and she shoots up before falling on to the floor.

"Morning." I say, smiling down at her. "How's the floor?"

"Just wonderful." comes the muffled reply. Turning around I realise the 'boy' in the bed is Louis and somehow he is still asleep!

"Why's he still asleep?" I voice out loud.

"Oh." says Aisha, turning a gentle shade of pink. "I may have umm.. accidentally ordered him to sleep. Hang on." And she quickly climbs on the bed before kneeling next to him. 

"Awaken Louis" she says and his eyes snap open. 

"Hello?" he says, making it sound like a question.

"Hi" we both reply back. 

"What am I doing here?" he asks rubbing his head. "And who are you? Who am I?" Shocked I look over at Aisha.

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