Finding the Way.

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Aisha's POV

Reaching out, I gently tap Niall's conscience and lead him towards Zayn. Now trying to explain what this felt like, or even how I did this is impossible. Basically though it was like having an out of body experience. It was like I could see everything, without eyes. Heading to Zayn's mind, I can immediately sense something is wrong. He isn't fully there. With Niall trailing me, I fight through the jungle in Zayn's mind, before I finally make my way to a clearing. There in the middle of it is Zayn, but what appears to be him as a small child. 

"Zayn?" I question.

"Go away!" he shrieks, beginning to cry. "No more monsters."

"Zayn it's ok, I'm not a monster. I'm here to help." I say trying to reassure him, but he ignores me. Turning I see Niall behind me and gesture him forward. Hesitantly he does so, letting out calming emotions the whole time. I know there is nothing I can do at this moment so I just stay back.

"It's ok Zayn." says Niall with a smile. "I promise we are here to help you."

"Pwomise?" says Zayn, looking up at Niall with wide brown eyes, lined with tears. His ears are drooping down, and all in all he looks soo adorable! 

"I promise." Niall replies, holding out his hand. Slowly Zayn puts his own hand forward, before grasping Niall's. Immediately a bright, but pale blue light shines brightly from both the boys. Lifting a hand up to shade my eyes, I eventually have to close them. When I open them, the light has faded and Niall is standing there, holding hands with a full grown Zayn. Smirking I just look at them. Both of them realise at the same moment they are holding hands and do the normal boy thing; they both blush and quickly jump apart. Zayn awkwardly scratches his head before turning to me. 

"Thanks guys." he says, before gazing around. "But quick question. How do we get out of here?"

"We just need to remove all the vines." I say with a smile. "Niall, stick close to Zayn, you have done your job. Zayn, let's kill some weeds." And with that we all storm into the thicket. Opening myself up, a bright light emits from me and slowly I begin chopping down all the plants. I can feel Zayn doing the same thing. Finally the last one is cut, and immediately I feel the world turning black. I know I am back in my body. Carefully I open my eyes, to see Niall open his next to me. 

"How long were we gone?" I question.

"About five minutes." replies Kate, looking down at us.

"Is he ok?" questions Neelam, looking frantically at Zayn.

"Just give him a moment." I reply stretching, groaning when my bones crack. Peering back down at Zayn I see his eyes begin to flutter open. Confused, he stares at us all surrounding him for a moment, before carefully sitting up, wincing as he does so, then opens his mouth.

"Hey." Happily we all smile back at him. Neelam suddenly lets out a choked noise, before throwing herself at him. Shocked, Zayn just manages to catch her. 

"You idiot!" she says, face pressed into his shoulder. "You could have died! I mean did you think?!"

"Yes." says Zayn, looking absolutely confused. Neelam leans backwards and peers up at his face. Suddenly she surges up and kisses him, much to the shock of himself and everyone else. Zayn's eyes close and he pulls Neelam closer to himself. Reaching up Neelam places her hands around his neck. Their cute moment is broken by Kate.

"Why the hell is everyone kissing each other?! I mean honestly!!" Turning I glare at her, to which she raises her hands as though defending her innocence. Turning back to Zayn and Neelam, I see her gazing up at him.

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