Three days later.

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Louis' POV

So it's been three days since Aisha became an official storyteller. She still hasn't woken up but Azrael is constantly reassuring us that it is because the universe spoke through her. At the moment I am staring into Harry's eyes. The two of us are having one of our silent conversations we always have. I widen my eyes at him, silently asking him what he is thinking. He wrinkles his nose slightly, signifying how unsure he is. He really doesn't know what to make of the situation. I flick my eyes to the left indicating I think we should see what the others think and he raises then lowers his eyebrows. He agrees. Turning around I see that Will is staring at Aisha. His mind appears have gone blank as he has a very noncommittal or empty look on his face. I turn my gaze to her and see her lying in the same position she has been in since Azrael placed her there. Harry, Will and I have been holed up in Azrael's spare room since she fainted, waiting until she wakes up. Luckily we've been signed out of all our classes. 

"Hey Will!" says Harry, effectively breaking my train of thought and snapping Will out of his own mind. 

"Hmm?" he hums questioningly, turning tired eyes to us. 

"You ok dude?" Harry queries. 

"Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking..." he trails off, gazing again at Aisha. Harry and I both flick our eyes to one another, before looking back at Will. All he's done is sit and look at her like she holds the key to all his questions which she kinda does. She holds the key to all our questions. I turn my eyes to Aisha, staring at her with such longing. All I want is for her to wake up because since she's fallen asleep things have been... awkward. 


"Ok. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? LIKE ARE WE SUDDENLY DEITIES OR SOMETHING!??" screams Christina. Unfortunately none of us have an answer for her. Niall looks around uncomfortably, trying to find a way out of the negative emotions. Harry, Will, Niall and myself look the least affected by the news bomb Aisha just dropped. Sophie looks contemplative, she is obviously still working it out in her head. Emma looks scared, but that is kinda the usual. Kate seems pissed off but she has a very contained way of looking annoyed. Chelsea is absolutely furious, though I'm unsure why. Christina as explained is freaking out and Liam looks like a mixture between freaking out, staying calm (which makes no sense I know) and furious. Zayn seems concerned for everyone and Neelam seems.. empty. Which is odd. 

"I can't believe she would do something like that." seethes Liam, looking murderous. "First she invades our minds and now she doesn't tell us something so important like that!"

"She told though!" I snap at him in her defence.

"...that's why she was freaking out.." says Niall wonderingly. "Guys she was so terrified. It shows such guts her telling us."

"So you're sticking up for her now!?" snaps Chelsea, her eyes glinting dangerously.

"What?" stutters Niall looking really confused. "No! I'm just explaining it." Chelsea just sighs and turns away.

"Are we seriously going to argue!?" questions Will, looking at the floor. "She told us, we know the truth, but in case you forgot she just fainted!"

"Maybe she deserves it." mutters Liam.

"I dare you to say that again!" yells Harry shooting up. Liam does so too and the both of them stare at each other.

 "I can't do this." Neelam mutters, before standing up pushing past the two boys and leaving. All of us stare after her. Chelsea and Kate whip around to stare at Zayn who just stares at the door. Both the girls jump up and follow Neelam out, though Chelsea stops at the door and looks back at Niall. Something twists in his face and he flicks his eyes to me. In that moment I know he isn't going to follow her. Christina instead gets up, though it is more Liam pulling on her arm that takes her out of the door. There is something indescribable in her face. Both Sophie and Emma hop up though they hover undecided. Finally Emma leaves, though Sophie stays. Zayn stands up and looks at me. 

"It's ok man." I say to him. 

"I need to go clear my head is all." he says, before shakily leaving. Niall silently follows him, offering his moral support. Sophie, Will, Harry and myself are the only ones left. All of us look at each other before we leave out the same door as Azrael left. 


The four of us came here. Sophie stayed with us the first night, but I could sense that she felt awkward about the whole split, so I made her leave. She came back last night and is probably due back again. Christina and Emma peered in some time yesterday. Niall came by and spent half the day with us yesterday. Zayn came in left a picture and left. That's all who has come to see us.

"I feel like this is my fault." mutters Will. I feel my eyes widen in surprise.

"What?" I croak. Seems like my voice is running out after not being used in so long.  Will looks at me out of the corner of his eye, but sighs and doesn't answer my question. 

"It isn't your fault Will!" says Harry passionately. "It isn't anyone's fault. Any of this. It isn't even Isis and Osiris's fault all they were trying to do is to help one. They just lost sight of what was right. But so did the humans. People are forgetting what is important and are becoming obsessed with what is superficial. So no Will. It isn't your fault. It isn't anyone's." Both Will and I stare at him with shock written on our face. That was a surprisingly serious and deep thing for him to say. 

"You're wrong." says a voice at barely a whisper. All three of us whip around to see Aisha lying there with lidded eyes. The eyes underneath are blank and broken.

"You are so wrong." she mutters again locking her eyes with me, before they roll into her head again. Then to our horror she starts convulsing. 

"AZRAEL!" I shriek, not even caring that I sound girly. All I care about right now is getting him in here. Harry and Will struggle to hold her down, as Azrael barrels straight in. Forgetting ettiquette and manners and everything he jumps on top of her, straddling her hips. She is bucking all over the place and all I can do is whimper in the corner. Will and Harry hold down one arm each. Azrael grabs her head and holds in in place. 

"Isis..." he whispers. "Isis are you there? Stop fighting. Stop trying to break out. You'll be free soon enough. Stop fighting." Aisha goes limp and her eyes flicker weakly.

"They're coming." she breathes her eyes frantically searching Azrael's. Suddenly the two of their eyes snap up. They flash in a kaleidoscope of colours. Black, green, orange, brown, grey, purple, red, blue, yellow, gold, pink, bronze and finally shine white. Both turn to look at us, faces blank and eyes shining.

"They're here." the two say in unison. As I feel that a sharp pain shoots through my chest and I curl in on myself. I know that all across the school the rest of our circle is feeling the same. All except Will. We know though. We know. The dark circle is here.

A/N K peeps. Hi. Sorry. I am writing them, it just seems a lot harder than I thought it would. This book though is probably only like six or seven updates from the end. Then I can move on to my next book. Hope y'all appreciate this. Smile bright, live life. 

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