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*Ruth's POV*

"How could he not remember kissing such a slut?!" I muttered to myself with my slurred, drunken speech.

I was beyond upset. The one person that I loved and cared about most, let me down. I trusted him, and now, I felt like I didn't even know who he was. I never thought Shawn would cheat on me.

"Why do I always pick the wrong guys?!" I sobbed, burying my face in my hands.

I continued sobbing until I let my body fall backwards onto the rock I was sitting on, feeling the chill of the rock on my skin. I felt my breath get quick, and tight, as I thought of the events that just happened. I remember the last time I hyperventilated, what Shawn did to comfort me. I remember feeling the warmth of his hand in mine, and the steadiness of his heart beat, as he placed my hand onto his chest. I sensed his slow breath on my mouth, as our heads rested against one another. I couldn't live without him, but I also couldn't be with someone that I couldn't trust. The thought of Shawn and I not being together, it made me feel lifeless. 

I got back up into a sitting position, in attempt to get some control of my breathing. I took a few deep breathes to calm down, and I surprisingly did. I stood up and walked back to my sorority house, when everything started spinning. I stumbled on every rock and crevice on the side walk, when I could see someone walking towards me. She was tall, lanky, and looked like she might have brown hair.

 "Ruth, are you okay?" The figure said, getting closer to me.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Your sister, Danielle. You been out tonight?" She asked, Stopping in front of me. I could finally see her face, but that was spinning too.

"I'm really drunk." I said, trying to stand up straight, and get the words to formulate.

"Wait, Ruth, what's that on your leg?" Danielle asked worriedly.

"What? I don't think anything is on my leg."

"Yes, there is." She said, bending down to examine my knee.

"You sliced your knee open, it's really deep. Did you fall?" She asked.

"Yeah, I don't know what I hit though. Everything was spinning.... It still is." I explained.

"I think we need to get you to the hospital, you're going to need stitches." 

"No I'll be okay, really."

"Ruth, I'm a nursing major, and I know that this is not okay. We need to go." She said, putting her hand on my shoulder and pushing me towards the parking lot outside of the house. "You will be okay, we just need to get you fixed up."


"Okay, we can bring back right now." The female nurse said, coming around from the front desk.

"This way." The nurse motioned towards a large double door.

"I'll wait out here for you." Danielle said.

"Okay, thank you." I responded, turning my head towards her.

I had sobered up a little bit, so I was better able to keep it together now. She lead me to a small room, with an examination bed. I sat down on it as she got a piece of gauze out of a drawer. She placed it on my knee, putting a descent amount of pressure on it. 

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