Chapter1: Fall

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Hello, I am Janie and-

James:Im excited, get on with the story.

Janie: Sha up Potter or ill ship you with a slytherin!

James:Janie's so mean T-T

Lily: Actually just ship him with a slytherin.

James: Evvvaaannnnsss! T-T

Janie:Fine, lets just get on with the story.


Lily's P.O.V.

"Oi Evans!"I heard the same annoying voice everyday behind me and it was attracting a heck of attention as usual, I turned around only to see the least person I would've wanted to see. Him.

"What do you want, Potter?!"I said with venom at his name.
"You dont need to be so harsh now Ev." He pouted,I rolled my eyes at him and sighed,exasperated. His pout turned into a grin.

"Thats not so nice-" He said "But it is if you go out with me." I couldve sworn my eye twitch in annoyance. Honestly,how can someone this egotistic be alive?!

"How about no."

His shoulders slumped and Mary,my best friend,pushed through the small crowd that began to deform and go to their seperate ways.
She placed a hand on my shoulder "C'mon Lils-The prof. might already be there."

~《=》~ 《=》~《=》~ 《=》~《=》~

I managed to get to class with 2 minutes to spare. I took a seat near the back, fixed my things, opened my thick book and began reading in advance. After a while everyone was seated except for...

"Potters late" I told myself

"Since when did you talked about Potter?"Mary appeared behind me and took the seat to my left.

"What, im just stating the fact that he's late?!" I defended

"You talk about him!" Mary said teasingly

"N-no!" I shook my head

"Of course you would reach the denial state at some point..." She mumbled loudly enough for me to hear.

"I am not in denial!Those are just from cheesy novels but I mean it Mary,he is an egotistic self-loving jerk!" I hissed

"Dont worry,I would be happy to attend your wedding!" She teased lightly

"Whats that about me?" I flinched when I heard the voice, that annoying voice.

"Nothing, go away." I almost groaned "Class is about to start!" I said but then he sat right next to my right side I almost face planted on the table but that would be really bad for my nose.

"Ugh" I grumbled, I couldnt do much since all the seats are taken so I asked Mary if I could change seats with her.

"Sure" She stood up and sat on my seat as I sat on hers.

"Do you really hate me that much Evans, A simple thing as seats." He asked not expecting an answer.

"Yes!" I told him roughly.

"Why are you so mean to me Evans?"

"Well if you change your attitu-"

"Potter and Evans, if you do not mind I am having a class here." Prof. Mcgonagall said strictly,inturupting our conversation which then evolved to slow whispers.

"Well if you change your attitude."I repeated in a low volume

"Whats wrong with my attitude?" He followed

"Really now?" I almost spat "I can make a list but I dont have enough paper."

"I can make a list to describe you-"He started and grinned "But theres not enough beautiful adjectives to." I think I blush a little at that moment.

"Look guys,I know both of you would make an amazing couple but please stop flirting in class. The prof. is looking at us..." Mary mumbled as she eyed the professor,willing not to get in trouble.

We stayed civil the rest of the class but I couldnt help but look to my side-only to see him looking at me.

And his eyes met mine.

~《=》~ 《=》~《=》~ 《=》~

Janie:So how was it?I hope it wasnt too bad. I edit it slightly,okay a lot.

James:This is not the exact chapter that was first published

Lily:As said-Janie had edit it,a lot.

Janie:Im slightly embarrased about writing that old chapter. Eheheh...😅

James:Hope you like this one!

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