Chapter 15

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Janie: A CHAPPIE UPDATED! THIS IS SOMETHING WORTH RECORDING IN MY NOTEBOOK! I mean, when was the last time I updated? A rare thing huh?

Lily: Yeah, I wish you would never update again.

Janie: pout*

James: Dont be too hard on her Lils.

Lily: Dont, just, dont call me that.

James: pout*

Janie: Starting in....X....Y....Z!


Lilys P.O.V.

Summer! Finally!

A few weeks ago, I would've been excited at the thought. Now...not so much. Maybe I dreamt of going to the beach once a clear day comes by or having breakfast outside with my family before leaving for a year again in Hogwarts.

Of course, because life doesnt always agree with me-life never seem to-im just stuck in my room playing Brick Game and thinking how'd I get myself into this kind of drama.

When I received my Hogwarts letter,I spent the rest of my time thinking of the classes,the school,learning with other witches and wizards but I never thought of anything that could point at James Potter.

Hogwarts isnt that different from muggle school. Well,normal school. The talk swirled in my mind.

And this is how I spent most of my time in summer.

゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Its the last day of vacation. Oh, of course, I couldnt wait to see Mary, Alice, and all that too, but I felt very, very, very, as in nervous.

Yeah, you probably know why im nervous already. I dont need to go and explain all that again, right? Good. Because its not fun to explain something that was in your mind the whole summer.

I already went to get my new things days ago, so all I need to do is wait. I bit my lip as I look at the clock, that clock that ticks every second which annoyed me as much as an alarm clock in the morning.

I decided to just check my bags again and see if everything is prepared for like the hundredth time!

Oh well, lets just see whats in store for me tomorrow...just sigh and give up, what can I do?

"Lily!" My head snapped up from hearing my name. The door opened revealing my sister.

"Mum asked if youre ready." She said in a stiff tone.

"Yeah, I am." I wanted to add 'ever since summer started.' but quickly decided not to. And she left just like that.

Sometimes I wish I could patch things up with her...


Janie: Short, but still an update.

James: Atleast its not as short as the last two.

Janie: Yeah yeah

Lily: Why is this all my point of view?

Janie: Dunno, anyways, I promise ill update tomorrow or in two days.

James: Sure you will. We can never trust authors and theyre promises.

Janie: Ehehehe...

Lily: Sigh, well, bye.

James: Wanna go out?

Lily: No.

James: Pout*

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