Chapter 16

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James: You actually updated.

Janie: Well, miss pathetic writter here is quite busy. Nah, not that busy...( ._.)

James: Just start. You havent updated in months!!

Janie: No shiz Sherlock

James: Youre getting sarcastic.

Janie: You think?!

James: Yup

Janie: Sigh, internets getting really slow anyways.

James: Start!


Lily's P.O.V.

Kings cross was full of people as usual. I ran to the wall by myself and I am now waiting for Alice and Mary.

I saw some people like Frank (I seriously think he spent more time this summer in Alice's house than his own,) and that group of Hufflepuff girls a year below me that always giggles for some reason...(I have a feeling their kids will be like that too...)

On my tippy-toes, I scanned the crowd in search for my familiar friends but instead, I get to see those familiar hazel eyes looking straight at me. I blinked, he looked away. He was probably searching for his gang or something.

"Oh my gosh! LILY!" Marys ear-peircing squeal was heard from behind, I turned to her before looking over my shoulder to see his back facing me.

"What are you looking at?" Alice said which just took her place beside Mary.

"Oh nothing~, Its great to see you guys again!" I brushed it off, hoping they'll just go with it. They did.

"Its great to see you too!" And that was it for another year.


James P.O.V. (Finaleh!)

I saw Evans. Oh gosh she saw me! Oh my gosh she looked at me! Okay, maybe thats too much...NOT! Seriously, I felt like I was flying on my broom just looking at her green eyes.

Stop James, stop. This whole summer all you did is think about her.

Absence makes the heart grows fonder.

Im aware of that. Geez, to think summer would be actually a good break from this sick viral love bug.

Sick Viral Love Bug? Choke* Really?

"Hey Prongs mate? You alright?" Sirius' voice came ringing into my self-conversation

"Huh? Oh yeah, why?" I replied, Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"You in for the start of the year prank?" He said questioningly.

"Uh, about that...I wont be pranking, not this year." I said with a little dissapointment.

"WHAT! Its our last year James!"

"And we've been pranking since our first." I stated

"Bu-" Sirius was about to continue arguing but was cut of by the little werewolf, Remus.

"You know, we should get on the train before it leaves without us." He said

"Gladly." I took my things, Sirius gave me the We'll-talk-later-and-im-sure-this-has-something-to-do-with-Lily-Evans look. I grinned and followed Remus.


I opened the plain compartment door and found Peter sitting alone.

"Finally! It was hard trying to save you guys a compartment." He said in that usual 10-year old voice.

"Thank you Wormtail." Remus said taking a seat to Peters right. Me and Sirius took the opposite side. Remus took his potions book, probably for advanced reading and began flipping through the pages.





"Hey Prongs, I've been meaning to ask you something." Remus said, eyes still on the book.

I sighed knowing this is a serious conversation which I will be bothered by. "What is it?"

"Remember the time you saved Lily?"

"You mean from outside the forbidden forest, hell yes." I narrowed my eyes, saying my words in monotone, making the 'hell' sound sarcastic.

"When will you tell her? That you saved her and not us?"

"That was a long time ago, as if I need to bring that topic back up again, you shouldnt too." I replied crossing my arms.

He sighed "Prongs." I figured the conversation ended so I relaxed a bit. I have a feeling I forgotten something...trying to figure it out, my thoughts were interupted by the door swiftly opening.

"Potter! I cant believe youre head boy!"


Janie: Sowwy, thats all for now.

James: Wait! What! Im head boy! Cool!

Lily: And im guessing im head girl.

Janie: Of course, any potterhead would know.

James: Goodbye

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