Chapter 21

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Lily's P.O.V.

I was in...Hogsmeade? When did I got here? It was empty and dark, obviously it was dinner time but there were no calming lights inside the windows. It was...dead.

The air was cold and I hugged myself to keep warm. I stalked alone for awhile, looking around until I heard a scream. I followed the commotion in a faster pace but I felt my insides twisting uncomfortably as I got closer.

I peeked around a corner and thought I saw the familiar faces of certain people together with...death eaters. My stomach dropped and my heart accelerated. The voices...I heard Sirius, Remus, James, Mary, can I hear my voice when I was about 5 meters away? I looked back and there I was, with an arm outstretched clutching my wand for my dear life which i probably was.

And...a fight has started. Spells were thrown back and forth. Flashes of light appeared and disappeared here and there.





I was going to turn and reveal myself from the corner and actually do something helpful and not stand like a stone statue witness but the one and only spell or should I say curse was fired from the ends of a death eaters wand.


and everything turned white....










Then it began to turn grey...










And lastly black.

"Lily~ Wake up~!"



I jumped into a sitting position almost getting a whiplash. My head spinned for awhile until I realized I was in the head girls dorm-my dorm. I looked to my right and saw James Potter.

"Well you had a good sleep." He said standing up with sarcasm in his tone. He was already wearing his robes and the head boys badge pinned against the black fabric.

I rolled my eyes "It was just a dream...Potter."

"More like a nightmare the way you were screaming." He said and aimed for the door and before going out he commented "Hogsmeade trip is today, dont want to be late now do we?" and closed it.

I was a bit relieved he didnt ask me what my nightmare was but this heavy feeling...I cant shake it off. I only have this one question though.

Who died?

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