Chapter 7

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Janie: Im bored writing backstage posts

James:Then stop

Janie: I dont wanna

Lily: Gosh

Peter: Wheres the bathroom?

Sirius: In that door

Peter: Oh thanks

Sirius: *snigger*

Remus: Peter dont go through that do-

Peter: Ahhhhhhhh

Janie: The unfinished fire exit..

Lily: Peter? you okay?

Peter: Im alright, but I think I need a healer, ouch!

Lily: This is backstage, its not James Potter world, call a doctor.

James: Oh thats gotta hurt. o.-

Janie: You think?!

Peter: owwww

Remus: -.-


James P.O.V.

I saw Lily going up the girls dorm. Ugh, when will she go out with me.

"Hey, Prongs!" I heard Padfoot yelled. I walked up to them and sat on an empty comfortable couch facing the flaming fire.

"Wher've you been?" Sirius asked "with Evans?" He finished smirking.

"In the halls." I said noncholantly

"What did you do?" He questioned, I turned to face him lifting my gaze from the flame.

"Just why cant she say yes?!" I groaned

"Probably because you're a nuisance." Stated Remus who's eyes did not look away from the book he was reading.

"A nuisance! Your the nuisance!" i said as silently as i could but still heads turned to our direction to hear. Remus closed shut his book and turned to face me.

"I just said it and your overreacting!" Remus said trying too lower his voice

"I am not reacting!" I shot

"Never mind then, ill be in bed!" Remus said angrily and stormed off. People continued chatting like it never happened some went upstairs to the dormitory.

"You still think Evans like Moony?" Sirius said

"You catch on quickly." I breath and looked back to the fire. "What does he have that I dont?"

"Being a werewolf." Sirius said not seriously (pun) as he looked at the remaining people leaving.

"C'mon be serious." I said

"I am Sirius." He said back, I sniggered

"Well probably that he's more responsible."

"Yeah" I agreed " then what do I do?"

"Be more responsible of course!"

"Your no help" I grumbled

"Well, ill be off to bed!" Sirius stood and went, I was left alone in the common room looking at the fire flicker.


I found out it was past midnight, I was still in the common room, deciding to go upstairs, I carried myself up until the 6th years room and plunged into my comfortable bed, it was a wonderful feeling much more than the common room couch that I fell asleep easily.

~~few days later~~

Lily's P.O.V.

Transfiguration, my last class of the day finished, I walked to the library with Mary deciding to finish our essay for charms.


"Im going to finish this later, i need to go now, bye Lily." Mary said as she stood up

"Sure, meet you in the common room then." I said, she closed her book shut and returned it to its shelf before going out. I returned to my research before hearing a voice.

"Hello Lily"

"Ah, hey Remus." I greeted he took the seat, where Mary left, opposite to me. "What brings you here?" I asked.

"Charms essay." He answered

"Same here." I said "Ive been searching for a more usefull book than this."

"You should check Cha-" Remus suggested before he even said the title, he was inturupted.

"What are you doing here Remus?! Potter asked but sounded like he didnt care for an answer, he was at the edge of the table between me and Remus. He sat down.

"I told you i was doing the essay prof. gave us." Remus answered a bit annoyed from being disrupted.

"Why are you here with Evans?" Potter asked again, not caring for the answer.

"I just happened to see her here alone." Remus said Potter just glared at him

"I was doing the essay too, Lupin was helping me." I glared

"Nuisance..." I heard Potter mumble under his breath wich Remus probably heard.

"Why are you acting weird all the time!?" Remus said and stood up pushing his chair.

"You know how I feel!" Potter too stood with the sound of his chair being pushed.

"I dont know anything because you kept on ignoring me!" He shouted "The last time we talked we ended up fighting 3 days ago!"

"Its because of you!" Potter said filled with range

"Oh, now its my FAULT, something I didnt even know what I DID?!" Remus shot

"Guys! be quiet! Madame Pince will shut us out of the library!" I said, both looked at me trying to calm down.

"Oh, ill just go back to the common room, goodbye Lily." He finished glaring at Potter, Potter glared back.

"Hmph." I sneered under my breath. Potter just grumbled. I stood up and tried to find another book. I could hear his footsteps following me. I turned to him.

"Dont you think you did enough." I said as calmly as possible but still it sounded like hate.

"Why do you like Remus?!" Potter asked, this time I didnt laugh.

"I dont." I said "Now please leave me alone." turning my back to him with crossed arms. I walked until I was pushed to the wall his hands on my shoulders, I looked at him, his hazel brown eyes and messy hair, Ive never seen him this serious before.

"Is that the truth." He breath

"Yes it is the truth." I said quietly, he came closer to me until the distance between us was closer than ever....

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