Chapter 18

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Sofia:Confusing right? I'm Sofia, writer of Lovers at Hogwarts. Nope I'm not hacking. Janie won't update so I'm opening her account... I might write half a chapter...

Lily: Where is Janie?

Sofia:She won't update... Jeez.


Lily's P.O.V.

I can't believe Ja-Potter I mean, got Head Boy! What was Dumbledore thinking?! I stalked back to my compartment.

"Lily, what's wrong?"

"Potter got Head Boy. That's what's wrong."

Mary squealed in delight. "I think Dumbledore's trying to pair you guys up!"

I groaned. Me? With Potter. In your dreams. (Sofia's Note: Whale...) That. That might never even happen. Did I say might? Well might. His beautiful hazel eyes, and his messy but cute hair and-

"So you do like him."


"Um. Lil. You said 'Me? With Potter. In your dreams. That. That might never happen.-" said Alice

"'Did I say might? Well might. His beautiful hazel eyes, and his messy but cute hair and' You kinda stopped there cause Alice here interrupted you." I blushed deep crimson.

"I-I-I never said that." I denied

(Janie: And this is where Sofia stops and I come in. Thanks for hacking btw Sof, dang my sarcasm.)

"Lils, when are you going to get out of denial?!" Mary practicaly almost screamed at me.

"I am not in denial!!"

"Proves my point." They continued teasing me but with hints of truth as I blushed deeper. Do I really like James Potter?

(Time skip brought to you by the author of Lovers at Hogwarts, read her story XD)

Sirius P.O.V. (Is this my first P.O.V. of Sirius? Or anyone not Potter or Evans?Really can someone tell me?)

The carriage grumbled from the rocky road. The first years are getting on their boats. The professors are waiting for us in the front.

Ah~ back at Hogwarts. Ive been waiting all summer really. Its more homey than Take note, I would never call the Blacks abroad 'home'.

"I cant wait for sorting." Moony said

"Were already sorted into Gryffindor." I said

"No, I mean, when I see the first years lining up, reminds me of the time we were there."

"And Peter almost peed his robes!" Prongs added, Wormtail looked like he wanted to dissapear into the corner.

"I remember that time!" Me and James guffawed.

"Stop laughing guys, were here." Remus broke in.

"Killjoy Remus." I chuckled

"Was the carriage ride always this fast?"Prongs said

"I think it was just us." I replied

Peter jumped off first and I came out last. The first years were still on boats. I looked around to see the other years already crowding in the gates.

"C'mon." Remus said "Prongs, shouldnt you be somewhere?"

"Oh yeah! Bye guys-duty calls." He said before running off. We entered the Great Hall, and sat on the Gryffindor table and waited for the newcomers.

"Padfoot." I heard Moony.

"What?" He pointed at the other side of the table. It was only Mary sitting alone. I looked back at him and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Yeah so?" I said "Its just Mary."

"I know you like her, its been seven years! Lily and James might even get married first before you two spark something up."

"Shut up. Yeah so maybe I do like her and?"

"You are Sirius Black! The biggest playboy in the history of Hogwarts! And im surprise you havent made a move on her." I rolled my eyes.

"Well...fine. Time to endure some major friendzoning." I stood up, Remus grinned.

"I dont think you'll be friendzoned really."

I walked over to Mary. I think I could almost feel myself heating up. Was it always this hot in September?


"Black? Um...hey."

"Mind I sit here?" Plan one into action.

"Uh, sure." She spoke in that angel voice. "But why dont you sit with youre gang?"

"Its only Remus and Peter. James is doing headboy stuff." I sat down.

"So is Lily, and Alice is with her boyfriend Frank."

"Alice has a boyfriend, more or less Frank?!"

I wish you were my girlfriend

"Yup, theyve been sending owls back and forth all summer."

I wish it couldve been us sending owls.

"I sometimes wonder if theyll last, I mean, Franks mom is as creepy as hell."

I wish we'll start.

Sigh, this whole time she talked, I stared. Other girls would keep quiet, its like she doesnt care who I am. Man, how inlove am I?

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