Chapter 20

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Janie: I hope you'll like this filler

James: Everything you write nowadays are fillers -.-

Janie: Well, sorry.

Lily: Lets get this over with.

Janie: Yesh

James: X...Y...Z!

Janie: Enjoy! *Grin*

"Guess who has a date in the next Hogsmeade trip?"

"Knew you wouldnt get friendzoned."


Remus' P.O.V.

We were talking about how much it sucks to have DADA with Slytherins first thing next morning until Peter came into the picture.

"Hey Wormtail." I greeted first.

"Prongs, Evans is downstairs waiting for you." He spoke in a hushed voice. We looked at James and he looked back with the same amount of confusion.

"Now why would Lily call me?" He said, his tone making excitement obvious.

Standing up jittery-like we followed him down the stairs to be greeted by the sight of Lily Evans, her hands on both sides of her waist with an impatient expression.

"James Potter, I think you forgotten that the head boy and girl has a different dorm." Her voice was cool but I spotted a hint of nervousness and...embarrasement? "If you forgotten where exactly is the dorm, hurry up outside and follow me."

The corners of James mouth twitch, probably since his brain is ordering him to smirk or grin and be his arrogant self again. Well, he is sharing a dorm with the brightest witch of our age.

It was only a few seconds until Sirius spoke up. "Well then goodluck Prongs." He said looking at Lily's retreiving figure.

"I wonder how long Lily could stand?" I wondered aloud in a teasing voice

"Hey! Im not like that anymore! You wont hear any complaints from her." Prongs said 'confidently.'

"Sure..." I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes and failed.

"James?! Are you coming or not?!" Lilys head poked from the portrait hole.

"Coming." He scuttled out and the portrait closed with a slight bang.

I looked around to see the common room half empty with only Mary, Sirius, Peter, Alice, and a group of 3rd years pretending not to eavesdrop.

"What to do now on our first time to share a dorm without Prongs?" Sirius stalked to the stairs, his hands behind his head in a relaxed pose.

I shrugged and followed him up while everyone else carried along with whatever they were doing...

3rd Persons P.O.V. (Specification: Authors P.O.V.)

Lily Evans walked the empty halls of Hogwarts with James Potter following closely behind. Everyone was in their respective dorms. It was really quiet but with only the sounds of their footsteps and the occasional presence of ghosts to come in and through the walls.

James Potters face was painted with a grin as oblivious Evans stayed nervous with each step. She was going to share a dorm with Potter, James Potter. It was something she never expected-she awaited Remus Lupin to receive the head boy letter.

Finally, stopping infront of a marvelous painting which is said to be the head boy and girls dorm,with a two words muttered-phoenix tears- it swung to reveal the room they never in their life encountered.

//Do I really hafta write the Dorm design? No? Good, I dont really want to bore you. And lets write more...not formal.\\

Lets just say the room was marvelous. They spent the next few minutes exploring it without words.

"Okay! Im off to bed." The boy said, stretching his muscled arms above his head.

"Fine, ill be in my room then." The fiery haired one said, turning around and hoping he didnt see her cheeks and ears sprinkled red from just looking at him-or in other words-checking him out.

"Night Lils." He walked over to his door. She hesitated at first, wanting to call him Potter but instead ended up with James.

"Goodnight...James..." She mumbled quietly but, oh, he heard, he heard clear and well leaving a perfectly sincere smile on his features.

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