Chapter 3: Lake

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MADE ON 1/12/14

Janie: This is where the marauders pull a prank on Snape for calling a certain someone Mudblood.

Lily: Right now James is busy preparing with his friends. -_-


James P.O.V.

"Padfoot you got the dungbombs?" I asked

"Yup" He showed me some covered by his robes

"Ready?" I said

"I got a bad feeling about this." said Remus

"Always the joy killer Moony." Padfoot said

"I-im ready!" Peter squeaked

"Anyway we got to wait till Snivellus comes for his dorm." I said grinning

"What if he's with his friends?" Peter asked

"The more the merrier!" I told him

After waiting for a while, hiding behind a suit of armor was Remus and Peter while me and Sirius was behind the invisibility cloak. We were waiting for Snivvy to go back from The great hall to his dorm. We heard voices, after recognizing these voices I went to the side of the hall with Padfoot.

"I never meant to call you a mudblood, it just-" Sev started but was cut off

"Slipped out?, Its too late. I've made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I talk to you. You and your

precious little death eather friends..... You've chosen your way, I've chosen mine." I was surprised to hear it from her, from Evans. I was still watching them until Padfoot nudge me in the chest.

"Ow, What was that for?!" I asked him in a quiet voice.

"Should we still go for it?!" He whispered, I thought for a moment, If Evans see's me eavesdropping on them.

"No, not now" I shook my head, We saw Evans ran leaving Snivellus behind, instead of running after her he went in his dorm. We all

went out of our hiding places.

"Well their friendship is broken." Remus said shrugging

"Goodbye friendship." Sirius said with his hands behind his head.

"Now what?!" Peter asked

"Well, I gotta do something, see you guys later." I ran off seeing them with odd expressions. I had an idea where Evans is.


I saw Evans sitting beyond reach of the whoomping willow, sulking at it. I walked slowly towards her and sat down.

"Whats so interesting about the willow?" I asked

"Its better than people." I heard her mumble

"Oh really?" I said sarcastically, she nod her head not lifting her gaze from the willow.

"Better than me?!" I kidded

"You would not beleive how much better the willow is than you." She rolled her eyes at me

"Hmph" I crossed my arms like a little kid

"Stop it" She began to smile

"I knew I would find you lovebirds here!" Padfoot said from behind causing us both to flinch and make Evans turn pink.

"Sirius Orion Black, did you follow me!?" I said trying to hide my frustration

"I didnt, I just knew you'll come here." He said shrugging with a grin.

"We just came to see where you are." Remus said grinning showing his mischevous side "we'll be in the common room when you're done dating with Evans." Finishing with a grin. Evans flushed an even darker shade of pink that went to her ears.

"Remus Lupin!" She shouted, got up. Remus seeing what'll happen ran playfully with Evans chasing her, I got up and joined in so did Padfoot and Wormtail.

~~A while later~~

I was exhausted from chasing around, we all found ourselves in the edge of the lake.

"Whoa, did we really ran that far." Remus said panting

"Yeah" I said, we looked around I saw Evans nearer to the lake. I pressed my fingers against my lips to the guys signaling them to keep quiet as I creeped from behind her and pushed her into the lake.

"JAMES POTTER!" She said sputtering from the water. "Come here now!" She shouted

"Hah, no way Evans." I backed from the lake a little until I found out the guys held my arms and dragged me into the lake.

"Hey, no fair!" I was now wet, I took my glasses off and wiped them to be a bit more clear.

"Lets take a swim!" Padfoot shouted before plundging in with us, Wormtail came after

"Haha, the waters so fresh!" Peter exclaimed

"Get in Remie" Evans shouted at him

"No" mischevous Remus began to fade

"Awe" She looked at him with her beggingly playful emerald green eyes. Not long after Sirius and I got out, went to the shore and

caught hold of Remus and threw him in the lake.

"Payback!" I shouted at him before I dive in myself. We started splashing anyone like children. After awhile it gotten chilly so we went out of the lake soaked.

"That was cool" Evans said as she took off her dripping wet robe and hung it over her shoulder for a while to dry. Revealing her school uniform, a skirt with her plain white button-up shirt and her house tie.

"Yeah but right now its getting dark and we need to get back to the castle before we catch a cold." Remus said

"Yeah yeah, fine" Padfoot said still wanting to swim.

We dried ourselves as we ran back enjoying this memory.


Janie: Its a bit weird but yeah thats what came in my mind.

Lily: Im so cold. *shiver*

James: me too

Lupin: Well I dried myself up in the dorms before going straight backstage.

Black: Awe, shut up Lupin

Peter: so cold, so cold.

Janie: anyway thats my story of their 5th year, ready for 6th year?

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