Chapter 19

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Janie: I already written something for this but it didnt save. T-T

James: Right now, Janie has a very high fever-

Lily: And she's gonna go to the Hospital in...30 minutes at the least-

James:She's going to get a blood test-

Lily: And her brain hurts just writing this AGAIN-

Janie: So, sorry if this isnt what I usually write, im even suppose to be at school right now-

LilyJust hurry writing so you wont get a more extreme headache.

James P.O.V.

After we gathered the first years in the Great Hall, I made my way to Remus and Peter.

I whispered to Remus: "Where's Padfoot?" He grinned at me and pointed at the back of the table. My eyes trailed to the really-flirting-in-public-looking-couple.

I smirked as I watched them laugh. It quickly turned to a frown when I remembered all the bad memories with Lily: Her shouting how much she hates me; Me making her really annoyed; Her trying to drive me away; Me breaking our frenemyship. (Freindship+Enemyship)

Until I realize we had many goodtimes too as much as bad, she laughed at my jokes; the time we dived at the lake; the time I saved her from whatever it was in the forbidden forest.


Janie: And I am back from the Hospital and hafta take lots of pills and antibiotics or something like that everyday. Do you frigging know how disgusting medicine taste like?!

Lily: She has tonsils and pneumonia.

James: Going back to the story.


Overall my life seems pretty good. Im just living it. After we finished eating without Sirius. Everyone crowded outside and lined up following the path to their dorms.I slacked off a bit and waited in front of the portrait for Padfoot while grinning at the familiar faces coming in.

When Mary passed by ,blushing furiously, I looked at the end of the hall and spotted a grinning Sirius. He walked over to me.

"Guess who has a date in the next Hogsmeade trip." I placed my hands in my pockets and opened the portrait.

"Let me guess...Remus?"

"No" He jockingly brushed my arm and we climbed up the boys dorm.

"Oh holy mother of- dont tell me Peter has a date?!" I faked shock

"No you git! Me!" He pushed me, I stumbled while laughing.

"Sorry, sorry." I patted his back, chuckling ever so lightly. Remus entered the picture and sat on his bed budha style.

"Knew you wouldnt get friendzoned." He said very much like an 'I told you so'

"Yeah, yeah, Moony knows everything know, you dont have to say that."

"First day of class, what do we got?" I asked

"DADA with Slytherin, then Transfiguration with Ravenclaw."

"Thats sucky." I said, Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherin, nothing could make the subject any more darker now could it?"

"Yeah..." Sirius said dragging.


Janie: Im so sorry its so boring and super short. I promise to make it up to you next time!!

James: You were the one who said never trusts authors and their promises.

Janie: Im so sorry!!! I just got cured but I strangely get tired and sweat so easily at school...

Lily: Oh well, atleast you updated.

James: Even if its sucky and its short.

Janie: Please forgive me!!! *bow*

Lily: Until next time then.

Janie: PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! *bows again*

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