1|Hello People

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  "Where to Miss?" The cab driver asked as I hopped in.

  "New York City please," he nodded his head before driving away from the airport and towards New York City.

  My light blue and brown eyes watched as the scenery changed from lush forest to concrete and tall buildings. That's one thing I didn't like much about society, they say we should save the earth by showering less and cutting down less trees yet they cut down trees to make paper and posters to plaster all around. Quite stupid if you ask me.

  Reaching down I grabbed my camera and took a few nice pictures of the city, this is my first time being here after a few years. After a few pictures I glanced down at the small screen checking each photo and deleting the ones that didn't come out as nice or came out too blurry for me to use properly.

  Turning my camera off my light blue and brown eyes watched outside. Many people crowded the streets as there was much traffic, me being part of the traffic. There was much noise, it went from people yelling at one another to car horns to construction workers. I don't see how people could live in this city. They most likely got used to all the noise, I told myself as the cab started to move forward slowly.

  It took some time but the cab driver was able to park in front of Avengers Tower. I payed him with a bit more for the trouble of driving me through the city before grabbing my two suitcases and say a goodbye.

  Making sure my backpack wasn't going to fall I grab both suitcases and walk up to the front door. Inside the warm air hit me which brought warmth to me and made me smile a bit as well.

  At the front desk was a blonde lady who was typing something on her computer, she payed little attention to me. With a shrug I by passed her into the short hall where I stopped in front of the elevator and pressed the up button.

  I fiddled with my thumbs before the two metal doors slid open. Grabbing my two suitcases I walked in, pressed the 30th floor button, then waited as the elevator started moving upwards.

  Rocking back and forth from the balls of my feet to my toes I sang softly with the odd elevator music. I recognized it as Hell Bells by AC/DC, although Pepper had warned me that the owner of the building, Tony Stark, was... odd. That's what she told me over the phone anyways, I've yet to meet him so my opinion may be different from hers.

  As the elevator doors opened I grabbed my two suitcases and wheeled them into the long hallway. Checking both ways I walked to the right hoping that this was the best way to the living room where Pepper had texted me of that's where she should be.

  As I neared the end of the hallway male voices arguing came to my ears. Placing my suitcases to the side of a wall I was careful to walk into the large room.

  Six men were all standing in the middle of the room arguing at one another, a seventh man was lounging on a chair reading a book completely ignoring the arguing men. My head moved to the right just a tad to find Pepper and another redhead standing side by side at a bar watching the six men argue.

  A smile formed on my lips as I walked toward Pep. As I walked I noticed she hasn't noticed my presence.

  "Missed me?" She jumped a bit before turning to face me. A wide smile formed as she pulled me into a hug.

  "Sammy!" That would be my nickname to her. "Why didn't you tell me you arrived? Or at least text me!" She said pulling away.

  "Sorry but I was taking pictures of the city," she glanced down to find my camera hanging around my neck.

  "Fine. But you get off this one time, only because of your pictures." She tried keeping a serious face but she couldn't do so as my smile was contagious making her smile.

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