7|A Storm Of Drunks

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For the next two weeks it was uneventful. For one I was hired as lead photographer at Blossomwater Photos, I work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I was able to gain enough money for my own place but haven't had a chance to do so with work as well as just walking around the city getting more and more used to my surroundings.

  For the last two weeks I've gotten along with everyone. Although I've slowly been realizing that I may or may not have a few crushes, if anything I'm just glad I don't have a crush on Tony. The world would end if I ever had a crush on him.

  For the past two weeks Tony has been trying everything to make me blush. At times he would but he wouldn't know that. My favorite was when he would use the things around him. Once I was helping Bruce with some work and Tony rolled in with a keyboard saying, "All these keys and I'm still not your type" or when he turned the lights on bright saying, "All these lights and I still can't brighten up your day". My personal favorite was when me and Loki were talking and Tony came in with his Ironman suit but with a bunch of magnets stuck to it and he said, "All these magnets and you're still not attracted to me". That last one had made me die of laughter.

  Now It's night time, me and Pep are sitting at the bar table taking a sip to relax ourselves. Well it was more for Pepper since she's CEO of a huge company but it's a bit hard to take nice photographs when I'm on a due date.

  "Last time I had a alcoholic beverage was when I was nineteen," Pep seemed a bit shocked but shrugged her shoulder pouring herself some more.

  "Then maybe it's time we both relax a bit," she held up her drink. "Cheers." Lets just say in three hours all the booze on this floor was gone and we were both smashed.


  Me and Pepper were giggling like crazy. I had told Pepper about Tony's failed attempts to make me blush and we were both dying at the magnet one.

  "He really," she hiccuped. "Did that?" I nodded while chucking the last of my drink.

  "Yup! I just hope he continues because it always makes me laugh." She laughed. "You know what I realized Pep?"

  "What's that?"

  "Mint is such an odd flavor, how can we taste something that's cold?" Her eyes widen at the realization. "Or that Bucky's arm is part adamantium which is magnetic so would that me that Bucky's arm is magnetic?"

  "We should get a big o' magnet, tape it to a street light and watch as he gets stuck and can't get free." At that point we just laughed like crazy.

  It was also at that moment when the other Avengers, along with a new person and Pete, all walked into the room to find us both wasted.

  "Guys!" I squealed running up to Steve and hugging him but also making it so he had to hold me or else I fall. "How was your night?" He glanced down at me before a smile appeared on his face.

  "You're drunk aren't you?"

  "Nope," I said popping the 'p'. "I'm just letting myself loose for once. Ain't that right Pep!"

  "Hell yeah!" She raised her cup before chucking the whole thing down.

  "Holy shit!" Tony exclaimed making me jump and land on the floor. "They drank all the booze!" Everyone glanced over at me or Pepper.

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